Useful vocabulary for expressing opinions 1
Useful vocabulary for expressing opinions 2
We have been talking about the most important things that make people happy.
Choose the most important thing for you, and write a conversation/debate with your partner, who has chosen a different thing. Try to convince each other that your choice is the best one.
For example, for you the most important thing is LOVE, and four your partner it is MONEY.
Don't forget to use the connectors in the links above.
Juan Carlos Ruiz Fernández 4E.
ResponderEliminarI think, Im my opinion is that the most important thing is the family and friends, because are the most important people and They are the ones that are always with you and support you.
They makes you feel happy.
For other hands the money is very important, it is needed for many things. Buy things that you like, clothes, mobile car etc ... but it can not make you happy as your family or friends do.
-Hello Ferdinand, what do you think that is more important in your life?
ResponderEliminar+Hi Álvaro, in my opinion i think that in the life the most important thing the health.
-Why? Because for me is more important all the people that i know.
+Because i think that is better to have health to be happy and relax in the life.
-I think so too, but i prefer to have friends and met them whatever i want.
+That is true I think that the family and the friends are also important but if you don't have health you can't enjoy with them.
-Of course but if you have friend you are happy and this mean that you have a good health.
+I think so too but I think that in some times we can requiuse of our family and friend.
-I don´t think so either because you need people surrounded you to be happy.
+However i think that this two things are the most imnportant in the live and also i think that we have to take care of it to don't lose.
-In conclusion both are important and we need this two things in our life.
-Hello alex ,i need to took with you about a theme.
ResponderEliminar-hi angela , ok tell me the theme you want to took about.
-what do you think is the most important thing to be happy?
-I think the most important thing to be happy is work because you can earn money.
-That’s true but i think the most important thing to be happy is the family because they always help me.
-I agree with you but with the money you earn you can visit other places and meet new friends.
-Yes but my impression is that if you don´t have family you will be lonely.
-I dont agree with you because the family doesn´t need to be near you, you need to solve your problems by yourself.
-I suppose so but when you need help for a big problem but the others problems you can solve them
and when you are ill?
-With the money i have earn i can pay a good doctor and a hospital.
-Some people say that it´s better to stay at home when you are ill and your family stay with you.
-Thats true i agree with you, and when you are on christmas holidays?
-When the christmas holidays starts i stay whith my family and my friends, what do you do at christmas?
-In christmas i usually go to partys , eat expensive food and buy presents if you think the family is all in your live how do you get money?
-I get money working at my family ´ s shop. I don´t get to much money but it is sufficient.what´s your work?
-I work at telecinco as a journalist on tv.whith this work i get enough money.
-Ooh this is soo interesting.
-In conclusion i think the family it´s more important than work because there are more advantages
-do you want to meet my family in christmas?
-Ok a took with you later, bye
-see you soon
angela fraile de la carrera
alejandro montero marin
JC: I think that money is very important because it moves the world.
ResponderEliminarMA: In my opinion, the loved ones are the most important thing in life to be happy. Therefore I do not agree with you.
JC: I'm sorry to tell you this but with money you can do more things.
MA: I know that money helps but when this is missing you will have to resort to your loved ones, who will always help you.
JC: I suppose you have a good family but with the money you have no worries.
MA: I see your point, but having so much money only you think about you and your happiness until you forget those who love you, and may not want to know anything about you afterwards.
JC: In my opinion you are wrong because the family gives you happiness but money gives you almost everything.
MA: Right, but there are things that you can not give like love and when you have it you will think that it is with you for interest.
JC: Definitely I think you're not thinking about it because money is not just for you, you can also donate it to charities.
MA: That means you do not know what to do with the money because a normal person can donate equally and get more satisfaction.
JC: I think you do not know what you're saying because the welfare organization does not care about your satisfaction but how much money you give.
MA: I know that they only care about money but I talk about your satisfaction.
JC: I am satisfied although I do not have much money because I am happy, although if I had money it would be even more.
MA: Do you think that if you had so much money and you donated it, you would be satisfied? Because I do not think so.
JC: I think it would make many people happy.
MA: And you have not thought about helping your loved ones, who helped you when you were younger?
JC: Yes, I thought about it, I would actually retire to my parents and I would give my brothers a lot of money and of course I would invest in local companies.
MA: It seems perfect to me, but then you care more about your loved ones than money does not?
JC: My loved ones of course they are more important but I do not see why I have to give up one thing to get another.
MA: But, what would happen if you were very poor and did not have anything? Most likely, you would be with your loved ones.
JC: My conclusion is that loved ones are very important and that money can help you in life.
Miguel Ángel López López and Juan de la Cruz López López 4ºC
A: Hello Mathews, I think that the most important thing in the life is the family.
ResponderEliminarB: Hello Merchi, in my opinion the most important thing is the money but if you don´t have money you can buy foods and clothes.
A: I think this because in the most difficult moments of your life those people who are going to be by your side will be your family.
B: Maybe the family can be one of the most important things but without money you can´t support your family and I still think that money is the most important thing.
A: I don't agree with you because if you need food or anything that is something necessary you can request this thing in an association like CARITAS.
B: That's a good point but you can´t go to CARITAS all days.
A: They are a good persons and they give to you the thing that you need.
B: Okay, but you can go one day, two days, three days, but there comes a moment that you feel embarrassed and you don´t go.
A: Not necessary, if you really need it you don´t have embarrassment, you go to request your necessary things.
B: Not all the persons, because some persons are not capable to go to this places and they suffer poverty in their homes.
A: I'm sorry to disagree with you, but if you really need something you do whatever it takes to get it and make your family happy.
B: That's true, you've convinced me.
A: If you think about this you realize that this is true and that money does not give happiness.
B: Yes other thing that I think that is more important that family is the friends and the boy/girlfriend.
A: Oh it’s totally false.
B: Why do you think that?
A: Because when your friends and your boy/girlfriend they turn you aside or they separate you, your family will help you and will be by your side.
B: Yes your family can help you, because you don´t tell everything to your family and to your friend yes.
A: There are many persons that tell all thing to her mother, to her father, to her cousin, etc.
B: I couldn't agree more, but some families don´t have this thust.
But yes you have part of the reason the family is the one of most important thing.
A: Yes and you also have a part of reason, bye bye.
Mercedes De La Rosa Fernández. 4ºE.
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ResponderEliminarÁngela García González, 4ºE
ResponderEliminarAMY: Hello David! I have a question to ask you, what do you think is the most important thing in our lives to be happy?
DAVID: Hello Amy! It is thought that the most important thing in our life to be happy is family and friends but I don´t agree with that, I consider that money is what we need most to be happy, because without money we can not cover our needs.
AMY: That's not entirely true, money can cover our needs but it does not give happiness, what makes us really happy is having achieved our goals in life, and seeing that you are rewarded for your efforts.
DAVID: You're absolutely right, but think that if you haven´t got money, you can not fulfill your goals in life, for example, you can not pay for a student career to get the job that you like most after.
AMY: Of course, Yes, but don't you think of all the rich families who have a lot of money by inheritance and are not happy because they do not feel satisfied in their lives for not fighting for a job or goals in their lives.
DAVID: I'm not so sure about that, having money does not mean that they can not fulfill their goals and dreams in their lives, many rich families, even if they have a lot of money, struggle to achieve what they want to be in the future.
AMY: I think so too, but what I want to say is that even if you have money, you will only be happy if you feel fulfilled by your work and with a high esteem.
DAVID: I'm not so sure about that. I still think that money is more important.
AMY: , Let me ask you a question, imagine that you are born in a rich family where you have your whole life resolved economically, do you think they will fight to reach far in their objectives and feel satisfied to get what they want for themselves?
DAVID: OK maybe this people will not fight for their goals, you are right, but to be happy I think that you do not necessarily need what you have explained.
AMY: So our opinions are differents completely!
DAVID: Yes, but not at all, I agree with you that we must struggle for what we want to be happy in our future, although I do not consider it the most important.
AMY: Perfect! we should not forget that family and friends are also essential to be happy in our lives, without laughter and moments of happiness with them, it would be more difficult to be happy!
DAVID: That's just what I was thinking, I do not think it could be the most important but without them it would be very difficult to be happy, because they are always a support for all.
AMY: I'm happy that we've agreed on that, many people will also see it from that point of view, I'm sure.
DAVID: Yes! in conclusion the most important thing in our life is to be happy, in one way or another.
AMY: Of course! And everybody deserve to be happy, poor and rich people, teenagers and adults… Everybody!
DAVID: It has been a pleasure talking with you about this interesting topic, I hope we see you soon!
AMY: Me too! See you soon! Bye!
DAVID: Goodbye!
ResponderEliminarFrom my point of view the most important thing is the love of the family;I think if we don't have this, we don't have nothing because when we're sad maybe we receive the support of our friend, or maybe no, but what we're going to have always is going to be the support of our family, and this is wonderful. In the other hand, my friend Olalla doesn't think like me; she thinks that:
My opinion is diferent , personally, I think that the parties and the friends are more important for our happines , the reals friends are the unics who are always and they will never be fake, they also understand you better than your family by age and the parties help you put happy and forget the problems.
María: From my point of view I believe that the most important thing is the family, and you?
Olalla: I don't agree with this because I think that the parties and the friends make we feel more happy
María: Why? I see your point of view, but often we're having bad situations in our life a friend can goes, but the family never
Olalla: Maybe, but I think that my friends are always here and in the party you can forget the problem that you are having in this moment
María: Yes, but you think that when we have argued with a friend sometimes this friend doesn't return, but if we are angry with the family and we have a problem, they forget the problem that we have had and they help us
Olalla: I think so too but no always these friends don't return, if he is a real friend he will be always with you
María: Ok. That's your opinion but I don't agree
Olalla: Ok. What's about your opinion about the most important thing on Christmas?
María: From my perspective the most important thing is the family, I told you before
Olalla: Why do you think that?
María: I explained you before, but I'm going to try to explain you again: family will be always...
Olalla: If I may interrupt I'd like say that the friend too
María: Yes, I respect your opinion with what you say about friends, but parties aren't important for me. I think are a lost of time
Olalla: I think that the party is important too because sometimes people need fun time for...
Maria: Sorry to cut you off but I don't need parties for have a fun time
Olalla: For me yes, but its ok your opinión
Maria: Ok. We don't think equal but it doesn't mind
Olalla: Yes, thats all
Maria: I have to go, se you soon Olalla, good bye
Olalla: Good bye Maria
ResponderEliminarGEMA LINDES GARCÍA 4ºE
LUCAS: Hi! How are you? My name is Lucas. I think we’ll do a debate. Are you ready?
GEMA: Hi Lucas! My name is Gema. Yes of course, I’m ready.
LUCAS: If you wish, we can start.
GEMA: Before starting, can you remind me the matter of this interesting debate?
LUCAS: We’ll talk about things makes you happy. At first, I’ll give you my point of view and then I’ll try to convice you. Then, you’ll the same. Shall I start?
GEMA: Yes of course. What is the most important thing for you and what makes you happy?
LUCAS: Well. From My point of view, the most important thing in life is the family. Firstly, because they’re people who will be there always. Furthermore, they’ll support you when you need and are what really gives you happiness. What do you think about it?
GEMA: For me, the happiness is different. My family don’t give me happiness because I’m in a difficult period of life. I don’t get along with them. However, I think the happiness i son friends. With them I go out and I’m very happy.
LUCAS: To start with, I agree with you in some aspects. I think friends are one of the most important thing, but I think family is more useful and and the first of all. To sum up, the most important thing in life. Although you aren’t getting along with your family, you should make an effort and try to understand their point of view. Do you agree?
GEMA: My family don’t understand me. They aren’t empathic and don’t try to understand the way of life I’ve decided to take. On the one hand, I know their do it because love me. Actually barely talk with them and I don’t trust much in them.
LUCAS: Nowadays families are more empathic than hundred years ago. I recommend you to take advantage of it and talk with your parents in a seriously way. I mean, explain them your way of thinking, what you want in life, things makes you happy. To sum up, I’m sure they will agree with you because they’re your parents and they love you. Don’t you think so?
GEMA: I’ve done it yet. But they don’t try to understand me.
LUCAS: Really? Try to do it again. New year, new life. Anyway. Take it easy and try to do it again. It will be really useful.
GEMA:I know. I’m trying but also with the help of my parents. Moreover, without them I can’t do anything.
LUCAS: That’s right! I totally agree with you, Gema. You must talk with them and try to get on with your parents. They’re your life.
GEMA: You’ve convinced me. Now, I’ll try to convince you. At first, I think the family is the most important thing, but from my point of view, friends are very important in our age.
LUCAS: It’s an interesting point of view. Beside, I need to tell you something: Your friends could stay or maybe they could go, but your family will stay with you FOREVER. Don’t you think so, Gema?
GEMA: Yes, of course. I think you must be clever at the time you choose your friends. And above all, be careful because not everyone has the same intentions. So you need to met them and decide if you want to share your secrets with him or maybe not. What do you think about it?
LUCAS: I think you’ve convinced me. Friends are also important because you can talk about something interesting for us and you can talk with them some matters that you won’t be able to talk with your parents. Also, you can go out and share your points of view and secrets. Thank you very much Gema. See you son.
GEMA: Your welcome. Nice to meet you. You’ve helped me so much. I’d like to see you son. Good luck. Bye!
Mateo is in favor of health
ResponderEliminarJoseda is in favor of love
joseda: hello, I defend that love is the most important thing to be happy.
mateo: hello, I defend that health is the most important thing to be happy.
joseda: I believe that love is everything, because if people
Give love will be everything easier and happier.
matteo: for my part I do not think so, since health is the vital thing to be happy,
if you have a caring body and you try to take care of yourself inside I think
that you will be happier, because you will be more happy with yourself.
joseda: yes, I agree with you on that. But you have to admit that the
love can or is even more important than health
matteo: but if you are not physically healthy nobody is going to love you
joseda:, I think that love is something that can not be bought, in this case health if, if you are bad you can pay a doctor or a treatment, but if
you do not have love, that can not be bought.
Matteo: I think that health is more important because without it you are unhappy and you are sad
joseda: Love is more important because without it you are alone and sad
Matthew: that's true
matteo: But without love you can still live without health
Joseda: it's true
Mateo: but for example if you do sports, you are more attractive so you get a girlfriend
Joseda: but in love the physical does not matter
Mateo: something helps at first sight
Joseda: I believe that health is important but more love
Jorge is in favor of happiness
ResponderEliminarPablo is in favor of money
J-Hello in my opinion happiness is the most important thing in life because without happiness you have nothing to do.
P-Hello in my opinion is money the most important because with money you can buy everything, if you are sad you start playing the new game that you could buy with the money.
J-I protest with money you can not buy everything for example happiness family or friends, etc.
P-You can buy everything as you say happiness IF YOU CAN BUY because if you are sad you buy the most expensive market and that gives me happiness.
J-But it is not the same to be happy with materials that you can buy that with your family and friends who can not buy them with your money.
P-But you're not talking about family and friends, why can I have friends and family if I have money?
J-You've caught me, I've misunderstood. But in conclusion happiness can not be bought with money.
P-Like no, tell me something that makes you happy that can not be bought with money.
J-Love can not buy it with money, you have to find your better half.
P-Of course you can buy it, you sign up for a flirt page that is expensive so you can find your half orange before and you can buy it.
J-But everyone is not going to have enough money to sign up for that page, everyone is not listed on that page.
P-The page that I refer to looks in other pages not only on the same page, that's why it's more expensive.
J-Tell me the name of that page because I think that page does not exist you are inventing it.
P-I'm not inventing what happens that since you do not have money you do not know it, in conclusion that we're leaving the topic for me money is the best thing that can happen to you in the world because with everything you buy.
J-Forgive you, I have the same or even more money than you and I do not know any page like that. But good in my opinion money does not give happiness.
P-Watch as between us two we can not decide the winner of this debate let's decide the great teacher Michael.
J-I agree with you let's leave it to great teacher and best friend Michael.
We are talking about the happiness. For my friend Rocìo the most important thing that makes her happy is money and I think that the most important thing to make me happy is music.
ResponderEliminarRocìo: Money is important to Rocio because if you are ill and you need money for your operation the money does a great help
Luna: Music is important to Luna because you can play instruments with friends and to compuse amazings songs.
Rocìo: Another idea it’s that you have a lot of friends
Luna: Another idea is the music gives happiness if you are sad.
Rocìo: I think that your idea is really bad because with music you don't get a lot of money and this is why music don't give happiness.
Luna: I think that your idea is worst than my idea because you don't have fun and you don't have true friends.
Rocìo: Another idea that the money give you happiness is that you can trip for to many countries
Luna: You meet a lot of people that love music like you.
Rocìo: I think that your idea it’s so bad because you meet a lot of people like you in pages of internet.
Luna: I think that your idea it’s horrible because you can trip to other countries around your city.
Rocìo: Other thing is that you learn a lot of languages.
Luna: Another idea it’s that you can be famous with your music.
Rocio: Your idea is so bad because you can be famous to for your money.
Luna: I think that your idea is stupid because you can learn other languages going to class.
Rocìo: Other thing is that you can meet other cultures.
Luna: My last idea it’s that you meet the history of music.
Rocìo: I think that your idea it’s good because you learn about the past of music.
Luna: Your idea it’s so bad because you can meet other cultures with music too.
Rocìo: My conclussion is that the money gives more advantages that the music because all is money.
Luna: My conclussion it´s the same that Rocio because for play an instrument you need money to buy.
Luna Espinosa Sampedro y Rocio Fraile De La Carrera 4ºC
Sergio Garcia Medina 4°C
ResponderEliminarJesus Colorado Mendez 4°C
Sergio: Hi, I'm a car driver because I like speed.
Jesus: Hi, I'm a professional cyclist who circles the road.
Sergio: I think you should be on the bike lane, because if we have any accident, it's our fault.
Jesus: I think it's the fault if there is an accident most of the time we are not the drivers because you do not meet the meter and a half.
Sergio: but since we do not meet them most of the time you should go by the bike lane to avoid an accident.
Jesus: but we do not have the obligation to go by the bike lane if you have the obligation of distance.
Sergio: Good but I still think that to circulate on the road because the bike lane is the same.
It is not the same because the bike lane can not be driven more than 20km/h, therefore we circulate on the road.
Sergio:In conclusion we should circulate a bit more away from cyclists but you also have to worry about your life that is in danger.
Jesus: okey goodbye!!
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ResponderEliminarIn our lifes we need some things and people to be happy. What you consider make you the happiest?
ResponderEliminarA- For me there are differents people in my life that i couldn´t live without them. For example my friends.
B- In my opinion the happiness is not related with people.
A- Are you sure?
B- Yes, of course. I am more happy when i buy a lot of clothes.
A- Really? I don´t understand your point of view, you prefer materials things instead of the love of friends.
B- I reckon that love of people doesn´t bring me happiness. I prefer go on fashion because when i am with my friends i am not happy like when i do this.
A- I disagree, I think that clothe is an important thing in our life, but can you live without the love of your friends?
B- I wouldn´t live without my family for example, but without friends yes.
A- Ok, imagine the rest of your life with all the clothes of the world but you haven´t got friends.
B- Yes I can imagine this and I´m sure that i´ll be happy.
A- One important thing, in this situation when you have a problem who help you?the clothes?
B- Well... I didn´t bear in mind this, but now i think that i´ll feel a bit alone if anybody can´t help me.
A-This is the reason that friends for me are very important.
B- I don´t know if I could refuse to have a lot of clothes for only the help of them.
A- But John, think a little. Friends are not only for help, you can also laugh with them.
B- Yes, i known , but also I can laugh with other people and sometimes with friends we could discuss.
A- Oh yes, you can laugh with lot of people, but only friends are going to be with you in good and bad situations.
B- You are right .Now, I couldn´t imagine my life without friends.
A- Materials things like clothes are important, but they could not make you happy enough.
B- I had been this conversation with other people and out of the blue...you convince me that materials thing are not the most important, I never imagine this.
Óscar Gómez Bascón and Marta Rodríguez Santos 4ºC
ResponderEliminarMarta: what do you think about happiness? What do you think gives happiness?
Oscar: i think that happiness is grace to the family, because the family is the most important thing for people.
Marta: yes, i agree. But at some moments you many not be able to count on her, no?
Oscar: in my opinion, that your family will always be at all times.
Marta: of course, because i think that the most important thing is health. Because to live well we have to be healthy.
Oscar: it's true that to be happy you have to be healthy, but if you are healthy and have no family, you will be depressed and you will not be happy.
Marta: of course, but you need to be healthy and take care of yourself, protect yourself from diseases, eat well, have a good hygiene, etc.
Oscar: You are very right, Marta. But if you have health problems, the family will be there to support you.
Oscar: for example: imagine that you have a liver problem and have to have a transplant, a relative of yours can donate part of your liver.
Oscar: Also think that when you are sick who takes care of you is your mother or your father and not your friends.
Marta: Yes, but friends are always going to help you with what they can.
Marta: Do you know that, Oscar? you have convinced me, family is more important than friends.
Your Opinion Matters
ResponderEliminarMichael: Hello, how are you? I´m talking to you because I have to know your opinion with the thing that is the most important for you.
Bruno: Hello, Ok there is no problem.
Michael: In my opinion the most important thing is the money.
Bruno: In my opinion the most important thing is the familly and friends.
Michael: Yeah, but you can’t survive only with family and friends so you need money!
Bruno: That is true but...
Michael: With money you can buy very good and cool things and you have fun.
Bruno: So you can buy friendship or real love?
Michael: Not really...
Bruno: So I think that it is more important family than money.
Michael: I don´t know what i have to say to you to change your opinion.
Bruno: You can´t change my opinion because I’m sure that family and friends are the best thing that you can find in the world.
Michael: That´s true...
Bruno: You can reflect about this and think it well.
Michael: Yes, that is what I have to do.
Bruno: You must consider that you can buy many things with money but you can´t buy happiness.
Michael: Thank you for change my opinion, I´m going to feel better now
Bruno: No problem, you can call me when you want.
Michael: Ok thanks I´m going to see my family now
Bruno: Cool!
Michael: Nice to meet you!
Bruno: You too!
Michael: Goodbye!
Bruno: Bye!
R –Hi, how are you?
ResponderEliminarC –Hi, I’m fine and you?
R –Well, but… I’ve been thinking a thing, and I would like to ask you to know your opinion.
C –Of course, tell me, I hope it’s not a very difficult question.
R –Don’t worry, hahaha. Okay, which is the thing that makes you happiness in life?
C –I think my hobbies, everything that I like, without it nothing makes sense for me.
R –That’s a good answer, in the other hand, I mean, I agree with you.
C –What do you think a part of that?
R –I think that love is the most important thing.
C –Love couple?
R –No, all kinds of love. What would it be like for us if we didn’t have anyone to share what we like?
C –I agree with it.
R –Both things are important, right?
C –Yes, this is the midpoint, maybe. Why choose one thing? We can be happy with both.
R –Exactly!
C –but you´re right, nothing that would like matter if we didn´t have anyone to love or who love us.
R –Yes, we would be empty.
C –Yes, empty but entertaining.
R –Yes, that´s right! Hahaha.
Raquel Ríos García
Carmen Mañoso Montaño
Eva García López and Soledad Rodríguez 4ºC
ResponderEliminarWe are going to talk about what we believe give us happiness.
Eva: Hello! For you, what is the most important thing to be happy?
Soledad: I´d say that is money.
Eva: Are you sure? Personally, I think is love. The people that you care.
Soledad: Yes, but don't you think that you need money to do everything? For example, go on holidays. I am realy happy when I go on holidays in summer, and I visit new countries.
Eva: Oh sure! It would be really fantastic… but not alone. Just imagine that you have money to go but not people. The experience lose magic. The really interesting of the trip would be to discover this new culture with someone, family or friends.
Soledad: That´s true, I would enjoy more if I go with someone.
Eva: Exactly!
Soledad: However, you continue needing the money.
Eva: I couldn't agree more. Money is necessary but not necessarily it gives the happiness. In my view, your friends and your family are who do the special moment and it does that you remember it with a smile.
Soledad: Ok, that’s convincing
Eva: In conclusion, the money don´t give you the happiness but it helps.
Soledad: And what really cares are the people you love.
Eva: I couldn’t agree more. I liked talking to you, goodbye!
Soledad: Me too! Goodbye!
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarDoes love happiness?
ResponderEliminarMy classmate Rocío agree with this opinion, but I not.
-R: Hello Mercedes!
-M: Hi, Rocio. Are you ready for the debate?
-R:Of course! I want to say that love is an important thing for me
-M: Okey, Why do you agree with love?
-R: In my experience in love, I am very happy.
-M: Well, but for example I disagree with that.
-R:Why are you disagree with love? It is a beautiful feeling.
-M: I'm sorry to disagree with you, but I think the love can't give me happiness, because sometimes love is very bad when your couple don't love you too and you feel awful.
-R:That is true but when you are reliable of your boyfriends, everythings are very good and it can feel you great.
-M:Yes, I agree with your opinion, but I haven't got a good experience.
-R: I think that we are very little to think about love. But my opinion is that it can make you feel very very good
-M: Okey, you have convinced me. Thank you for your times.
-R: You are welcome my friend! See you.
-M: Goodbye!
Mercedes García y Rocío Rivera. 4º E
Adrián: Good morning Alvaro Navarro, yesterday I thought about the people happiness and the things that make us happy, so I would like to ask you about the sport that makes you happiest in your life.
ResponderEliminarÁlvaro: Good morning Adrián, I think that the most important sport for me is horse riding because I love the horses and they provide me calm and peace. And for you?
Adrián: Horse riding is a nice sport but the best sport and the one that contribute me more happiness is football because I also love to play football or to go to the football stadium with my friends.
Álvaro: I also like football but in this sport there are a lot of fights and abuse everyday that damage image of the world of football.
Adrián: I agree with you that in some situations in football there are violence, but when I usually go to the football stadium I limit myself to enjoy the football and I try to forget everything else. A drawback that I think about de horses is that this sport is usually expensive, do you agree with me?
Álvaro: I think that it isn´t a expensive sport because we can enjoy with the horses for example in a riding school. Although it is true that is very expensive to keep the horses and it is something that it can´t be afford by everybody.
Adrián: Okay,I agree with you in that though but I still believe that football is a more entertaining sport, especially for young children that they can enjoy the football matches and theirself playing football matches, something that the young children can´t do riding a horse.
Ádrián: I think that riding a horse is better tan football for the Young children because is healthy and horse riding can help children with diseases (equinoterapia) and neither there are fights or abuse like in football.
Adrián: I think that the two sports are good ones and I think that someday I will try horse riding.
See you soon!
Álvaro: I also agree with you in that. See you soon!
Adrián Herrera Sanz 4ºC
Álvaro Navarro Herrera 4ºC
ANGELICA:Hello David ! What is the most important thing for you?
ResponderEliminarDAVID:Hi Angelica! Personally , I think that the most importamt thing to be happy is health.
ANGELICA:And why do you think that health is so important ?
DAVID:Because in my opinion , It is necessary to live in better conditions .
ANGELICA:I don´t agree with you.
ANGELICA:From my point of view, family is the most important things in life.
DAVID:Umm , I am not sure about that.I know that family is very important but if you don´t have health you can´t enjoy with your family .
ANGELICA:I still have my doubts .I think , if you are with your family, you don´t have any health .
DAVID:Ok ,That convinces me a little.Family can help you if you are sick but there are a lot of people who don´t have a family to help them.
ANGELICA:That´s true , but I am still thinking that your family are always with you in good and bad moments.
DAVID:I don´t think so because it depends on the family you have.
ANGELICA:Umm,you are right. In conclusion, I thinks that both ideas are essential to have a good life.
DAVID:I totally agree with you.
ANGELICA:Fantastic! See you soon David!
Francisco: In my opinion the best thing in the life is the family.
ResponderEliminarÓscar: My opinion is that the real friends are the best thing in life.
Francisco: But I think that the family give you better things that the real friends.
Óscar: Real friends can give you things that family can not bring you.
Francisco: Speaking for myself your parents are the people that you can trust without problems because they are going to help you always.
Óscar: You`re absolutely right but in my experience friends usually understand you better than your parents.
Francisco: Iḿ sorry to disagree with you, but your family need you more than your friends.
Óscar: That's different, friends are the family that you choose.
Francisco: But I think that your family valorate you more.
Óscar: I'm not so sure about that. Real friends love you as much as your family.
Francisco: On my opinion the love that have your family with you is bigger that the friends.
Óscar: You're absolutely right but we are not talking about the same love, so we can't compare it.
Francisco: I understand you but we are differents and we have different opinion.
Óscar: I see your point, but you pass your better moments with your friends.
Francisco: It's true but I think that I can't live without my family.
Óscar: Definitely but in the same way you can not live without friends.
Francisco: I think that the two points of view are true.
Óscar: From my point of view both family and friends are very important y our life.
Francisco: It was a plessure to talk with you.
Óscar: In conclusion we can not live without the support of our most loved ones. Good bye mate
L- Hey Lucía
ResponderEliminarL- Hi Airam
A- Have you just had english lessons?
L- Nope, It was art, why that interest?
A- Oh, in the last class we´ve been discussing about what makes us feel happy and I found it very interesting
L- What did you say?
A- Well, there lots of things that make me feel happy I can´t choose just one
L- Like?
A- Personally, I love spending time with friends and girlfriend, specially hang out or playing football with them. Also, I feel very happy when I meet my family who live far away.
What is your point of view little blonde?
L- Some people say that for them family and friends are the reason why they smile but, personally I think that until you love someone, first you have to love yourself as much as you can light a whole city and then, love your family and friends because together we can set it all on fire.
A- That´s a good point but, for me it sounds a little bit selfish.
L- I´m afraid I disagree, you have to be proud and take care of yourself, without loving you, you can´t be an independent person, been independent doesn´t mean to be alone.
A- I see your point but, don´t you feel happy when you are with your friends or family?
L- Of course, but not just with them, I´m happy when I see someone happy and I´m not referring just to people
A- Yeah, I imagine it, you love animals
L- Of course I do.
A- Haha, so you are trying to tell that you have to love yourself...
L- Just a moment, I´d like to add something here, first love yourself and then love whatever you want but noing that no one is going to be here forever.
A- You´re right
L- It´s easy to convince you of something
A- Hey, shut up
Airam Rodríguez Telmo & Lucía Salgado Iglesias 4ºE
A:I took for my opinion about the best thing to be happy.
ResponderEliminarB:Okay, i listen to you.
A: In my opinion the most important thing in the life is the family.
B:Sorry,but I disagree wiht you.
A:Why you are disagree with my?
B:Because in my point of view the friends are more important than the family.
A:You are crazy? why do you say that?
B:Because with the friends you are more happy.
A:I don't think so, because when you are with your family all the moment are beautiful and if you are sad they try to help you always.
B:But your friends also help you,no?
A:Yes, but not is the same.
A:Is simply, that the friends come and go but your family are the persons that are always .
B:That´s true..
A:The friends are very important because you pass very moments with them but not is the most important.
B:What a reason you have!
A:I'm glad you realized.
B:Thanks really!!
A:I liked talk with you.
B:Me too,Goodbye!
Celia López Muñoz 4ºE
Angela González Méndez 4ºE
Javi:hi david, what is the most important reason to be happy from your point of view?
ResponderEliminarDavid: From my point of view, the most important reason is to have health and the family, and from your point of view?
Javi: I also think that it is important to be happy, however, I believe that one of the most important things is money, I think that gives you a lot of happiness
David:I think that money helps you to live better but it does not give you happiness, instead family, friends and health is what makes you survive.
Javi:yes, it will help you survive if you are a beggar but if you have money you do not need help
David:you do not need to be a beggar, but if you have your family and your friends with a normal salary you already live well but if you want more money it is to live a little better
Javi:Money makes you happy because you can have what you want and live without worries, that money does not give happiness I think it's an excuse for the poor
David: I do not agree with you because a poor person can be perfectly happy without money like a rich man
Javi: You can be happy, but you live uncomfortable and worried about surviving with money, therefore, you are not completely happy
David: I think that a poor person will be worried but a rich man, having so much money, will no longer be excited about anything I want because he can buy everything.
Javi:Anyway, I respect your opinion but I do not share it, do you think love is important to be happy?
David: I think that if you stay alone with the money you end up boring instead if you stay alone with the family you will always be accompanied.
Javi:Well I do not think that love is important to be happy, on the contrary, it gives you disappointments, insecurities, etc.
David:I'm not talking about love, I'm talking about family, do not you think that family is the most important thing in life?
Javi:in that if I agree but without a love of a couple you can also be happy
David:Well, I think not, because you lack a type of company in life
Javi:I believe that the love of a couple can give you happiness but it gives you more suffering
David: Well I'm not happy not having the woman I want, but I would have a calmer mind
Javi:And less happy will you be when you have it and leave you
David:It's true, love is not worth anything, I'll be a bachelor, better
What makes you the happiest? Now, we'll show you two different points of view about what makes someone as joyful as possible.
ResponderEliminarA-What are you thinking?
B-I was just thinking how happy we are when we have what we want.What do you think about that?
A-What I´m saying or think is relative.
B- Why do you say this?
A-Because the happiness depends on each one.
B-I don´t understand you very well. Can you explain it to me?
A- If you think that the objects that you obtain, give you the happiness, it is a very ephemeral happiness, but this is my opinión.
B-My happiness is not only based on the objects, also on the persons that I love
A- In my opinion, it is not a thing or an object what makes people happy. I believe that we can find happiness within ourselves, that before being cheerful with anyone or anything else you have to accept and be happy with what you are first.
B- I think that happiness comes from sleeping and being relaxed, because if you are calmed you have to be settled down.
A- Well, I agree with you here. Calming down is important to think clear. But being settled down is not the most important thing that can make people happy.
B- I agree up to a point, but a rational person takes better decision than a passionate one and with the time, better options make you feel happy.
A- No, there’s no way I could agree with that. A passionate person cannot make bad decisions. Moreover, I believe that, since they listen to their heart to decide, those choices are the most accurate ones. And they lead you to being happy.
B-Not necessarily. You need to be certain about your decision to take other ones with peace and foundation.
A-So, I think that we both agree that happiness is connected with the decisions you make, right?
B-Yes, I think that our happiness is directly connected with the decisions of our lives. So, maybe being joyful depends on how we take those decisions.
A-You have my full agreement. I believe that you decide according to what happens around you and who you spend your time with, so that’s also related to our happiness.
B-I take your word on it. Whatever you think, can be or not the best for you make your own decisions to become a happy person.
A: Hi beatriz, What are the most important things that make you happy?
ResponderEliminarB: Hello cristina, I think that everyone has other things that make them happy. What abou you?
A: I think one of the things that makes a person happier is having a family and being close to them.
B: Well, in my opinion, I think it is one of the most important things in the love and the love that is towards other important people for you.
A: From my point of view, love is important, but not as much as your family, since your family is always comfortable with you while love is temporary.
B: I personally think that if the family is important in your life and that you will always be there but love is a very nice feeling that you feel towards a person.
A: I agree, but you can feel love towards your family and that will always be with you, while the love towards another person, something that will not always be, that has to end at some point.
B: I totally agree but sometimes you have some problem and you need to tell someone and instead of telling your family you tell that person that is important to you.
A: I have to get on your side at this time, but I still think that there is no one like your family to help you in bad times and that she will always be willing to help you, while other people are sometimes willing to help you and other times not.
B: that's true, but sometimes your family does not tell you everything and you need help with someone other than your family and you turn to that important person that you think will listen to you and give good advice. I give you the reason that they are not always willing to help you, but you think that if you have an important person in your life it is because you will always be at all times you are bad or good.
A: I suppose that everyone does not have an important person to trust and that he always resorts to his family for everything. It is also important to have other people, I would not stop supporting me in my family even if I had many people to trust.
B: I agree with you, but there are people who will not talk to their families and that is not why they are already leaving their family behind. What happens is that each person is what they are and there will be people who tell their family everything and others that do not But not only is considered a boyfriend as the important people in your life, your friends and your family are also, what happens that are different loves towards each person
A: In my opinion, you do not have confidence in your family, it implies that you do not have confidence in the rest, that all it takes is to know your family and bring it to life.
B: You are absolutely right. But in my opinion not telling things to your family does not mean you do not have confidence in her.
A: Obviously, but you think that your family should know everything about you since they always care about you.
B: I agree, but personally I think that sometimes I have a problem, I like to have more than one advice from different people to know the point of view of each one against that problem.
A: I think it's good to tell different people to listen to different advice, but your family will always try to ask for the best for you.
B: These absolutely right have convinced me that the family is the most important thing before there is love and it is the one that can give the best advice.
A: I'm glad I convinced you that family comes first, goodbye.
B: I agree with you and I am also glad to have had a good time discussing the things that make us happy to each one, bye.
E: I think that friends are the most important thing to be happy
ResponderEliminarM:I disagree with you I think that money is more important
E: No, with friends you can have a very good time and it is better for your happiness.
M: Okay, but if you have money you can buy a lot of things and without money you will live under a bridge
E:Obiusly, but with friends you can buy some things togehther and also you can enjoy them more
M: I understand that friends are really important but if you have money you can go to a travel with them, or buy a hooka to smoke together, without money you can't do it
E: Yes, you can have all the money of the world, but when you have a problem the money won't help you, the really things that can help you is a truth friendship
M: Wow, thats it's a point of view that I have never seen, but I steel desagree, most of problem you can solve them with money, debts, things that you always have dreamed to buy, etc.
E: They are not really big mistakes, the most important mistakes is imposible to solve with money, the most important mistakes are solved with the friends that are around you
M: I am glad to talk with you, you have convinced me.
Miguel Ángel Carmona Parra
Eulogio Garcia Gomez
What do we need to be happy?
ResponderEliminarSport or music?
JC : Hi Philips! What is new? Yesterday I was thinking about our passions and how diferents they are. My impression is that music is my life and I wouldn´t live without it.
Ph : Hi Charles! In my opinion music It's a waste of time ,even I gave up because it was so boring.
I see what you are getting at, but sports are funnier than music and they are healthier.
JC : I see your point, but I think that sports are stressing and music is used as a way of expression and to calm down.
Ph : Ok, that’s convincing but not all the sports are stressing, for example skating is a sport that allows you to move very fast and itś so relaxing.
JC: Ok that is true, you are absolutely right but doing sports, you have to asume various risks as for example sports injuries. What do you have to say about that?
PH: Yeah, I agree. Two years ago I was playing football and someone hit me and I twist my right leg but Sports It's also a way to prevent several illness
JC : Sure, that is one way of looking at it but according to me music is not just to play an instrument, it helps you to concetrate and to have a routine and is a fundamental thing to be happy with your own.
So although sports are healthier, music gives you a mental a psicological health that is also very important
PH : I don' t really agree with you. I have been playing piano for ages and it never has make me to concentrate more on other things. I think it's a waste of time and you have less time to do school things
JC:Time is the same as if you practise sport or even less because you go to train 3 times a week whereas I only go 6 hours a week (2 days) and you’ve said that it didn’t help you but the reason why it didn’t is that you didn’t enjoy doing that, playing the piano, you have to really feel the music and to be very relax and quiet when you play and I’m sure it would be different but if you don’t like it is completely different. This is what I feel when I practise sports, a waste of time..
PH : You're right so it depends on the person who practise music or play sports but another point to see is that you can play sports with a lot of friends and music it's very difficult to enjoy it with friends
ResponderEliminarJC : Sorry, did you say difficult? For two music lovers to share music is the most simple and beautiful thing to do and is even easier to have fun sharing music than playing sports in my opinion. Furthermore when you study music you have to be aware that you are studing a degree that will be useful in your future and this doesn’t happen in sports.
PH :I'm not saying that music can't be useful for your future but you can get a schoolarship in lots of sports so it is also an important point to choose sports. A schoolarship is an easy way to continue playing a sport and to study hard.
JC : Ok, I get the feeling but if you compare a simple schoolarship that at the end are the same studies that a simple person can do in a high school with a profesional degree of music I think music has more posiblities in a future plan
PH : For example a tennis schoolarship in another country is better than be playing and studing in a simple city, the schoolarship is basically to continue studing an to allow you to be a proffesional tennis player
JC : You’ve to be kidding, you can do the same playing an instrument, and you learn other lenguaje so you can be teacher in other country and also you become professional so I don’t see any difference to convince me that sport is better than music
PH : It's true. But I'm still thinking that music it's a waste of time , the best thing of sports is that you can get fit and it also makes you more confident with your self
JC : You are so repetitive and this is not a good point in a debate if you want to defend your idea you have to be clearer
PH : That is because if we don't practise sports everybody will be fatter and it can be an enormous problem to humans, nobody will be able to do strong jobs
JC : Ok, I absolutely agree with you but without music humans will became crazy so sports care about fisic health whereas music cares about mental and psicologic health and as long as I concerned I think that they are fundamentals things in life. Don’t you think so?
PH: Yes, I thinks so and I also think that sports and music are useful for humans so everybody should practise a sport and play any instrument, if not we wouldn't develop correctly
Felipe and jose carlos