miércoles, 20 de diciembre de 2017
Vote for the most original Green Diet ideas!
Read all your partners' ideas and give one vote for each category:
1. At home
2. At school
3. Getting around
4. Recycling
5. Shopping
AND THE WINNERS ARE ........................
1. At home
Use light colors on the walls and ceiling, you will make better use of natural lighting and you can reduce artificial lighting.
-Rather than using the dryer, hang the clothes in the sun, since this appliance is one of the most enery-consumer.
Beatriz Zambruno
2. At school
Put containers at the playground and at the corridor to recycle paper that students don't need.
The students that use paper to take notes, use a lot of paper so when they finish their exams the can throw this paper to the containers to recycle.
Alvaro Ramos and Felipe de la Carrera
3. Getting around
About getting around, we could share a car for the company of Bla Bla Car.
Eva García
4. Recycling
For us, recycling is a wide theme meaning that it isn't only to separate the waste. So, our idea is to use things like a plastic bottle to make small flowerpot stands or pencil holders. To use anything we'd throw to the bin to create some useful handicrafts.
Sofía Fernández and Marta Herrera
5. Shopping
In shopping, we think that the lord major could put a bus every day each 3 hours and do a tour for all local bussines. This innovative idea would help the atmosphere because a lot of people will go in only one bus instead of lots of cars and will help the village too because we are giving money to the village buying things in his shops.
Lucas Fraile and Angela García
miércoles, 13 de diciembre de 2017
Fun and useful energy-saving projects
Have a look at this webpage with some examples of Fun and useful energy-saving projects
In pairs, think of innovative ideas to save energy at home, at school, when getting around, recycling or shopping.
1. At home
2. At school
3. Getting around
4. Recycling
5. Shopping
Get the prize to the most original idea!
miércoles, 15 de noviembre de 2017
Writing a formal letter: letter of complaint
Write a letter to the Head Teacher complaining about your school.
Write four paragraphs following this structure:
1. Introduction
2. Complaints
3. Suggestions and solutions
4. Conclusion and expectations
miércoles, 8 de noviembre de 2017
Analysing adverts
Go to this link about Advertising and watch a collection of adverts in English.
Choose TWO adverts from this link or any other advert in English and analyse them.
Follow these guidelines:
1. What is being advertised and what is specifically highlighted about the product?
2. Who is the advert aimed at? (audience)
3. Slogan (the language of advertising)
4. Images (description and technical effects)
5. Lines of appeal and attention-getting hooks (happy families, rich lifestyles, successful love, famous people, beautiful men and women, sex, humor...)
This is an example written by a classmate from last year:
It's an advert against gender violence. What has struck me most is to see how the woman figuratively tries to cover up the blows with make-up. That is what people who suffer abuse try to do, "cover" the abuse of their abusers because they think they are going to change.
I believe that this should no longer happen, because we are free and owners of our destiny and we do not have to endure this type of abuse. Let's denounce it. The slogan is 'It's rarely stops' that means that there are a lot of women suffering gender violence in silence. This advert goes mostly for women but also for men.
miércoles, 1 de noviembre de 2017
Charity fundraising auctions
Get involved: advertise yourself!
Think of your interests, skills and talents. Which could you use to help your local community?
Write 4 paragraphs:
1- Write about your skills and talents: what are you good at?
2- Write about you offer: what are you going to do?
3- Give details: timetable, money, location...
4- Write about the charity you are going to give the money to: what are you going to do with the money? How is it going to benefit others?
Extra task : create a poster advertising your charity fundraising auction.
You can use Glogster or any other application (Word, for example) and send it to my email.
miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2017
An informal email
Think of an experience to write about:
youth club...
sports club...
projects to help other people...
projects to help the environment...
helping at home...
helping your friends...
travelling and learning about other cultures...
1st paragraph: introduction
2nd paragraph : Give details: wheree, when, what it involved
3rd paragraph: Benefits to others, benefits to you
4th paragraph: conclusion and goodbye
Don't forget to use the present perfect simple (I have done...) and the present perfect continuous (I have been doing...)
miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2017
Our environment
1) Find information about an area of natural beauty in Andalusia, for example Doñana.
Write a paragaph answering these questions:
Where is it?
How long has it been a national park?
What is the natural environment like?
What wildlife lives there?
What trees and plants grow there?
2) Find information and write a paragraph about an endangered animal of that area.
Useful links:
Nature parks of Andalusia
Endangered animals in Spain
martes, 3 de octubre de 2017
Beat bullying
Write a paragraph about a case of bullying you know (if it is posible, cyber bullying)
lunes, 25 de septiembre de 2017
Graphs and charts

Useful language
Graph maker
Write a report of the survey you have done about the healthy habits of your classmates. You have to include 4 questions (2 yes/no and 2 wh- questions), including percentages.
lunes, 18 de septiembre de 2017
Are you a phubber?
Rad this artivle about phubbing, paying attention to percentages:
Mail Online
Are your a phubber? All of us are, more or less. Write a paragraph telling one or two examples of moments of the day when you are a phubber.
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