miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2018

The benefits of...

Write a report (in pairs) about "The benefits of..." (you choose the topic)

(Four paragraphs)

Use these connectors:

In addition to
As well as
What's more
Not only, ...but also

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  5. The benefits of youtube!

    Youtube is a platform that was born to entertain visitors with videos of games, blogs, umboxings is the best platform today in the world.And why do not you join?

    Being youtuber is one of the most fun and comfortable jobs in the world since you work at home you only need one camera and then it is difficult to get visits and subscribers, create your own account and so you can take advantage little by little.

    one of the most important benefice of youtube is that you can earn money with youtube making videos so it can be a good job when you have a lot of suscribers.it´s a fanny job and if you are sponsories you can travell abrod free in a amrk likes your videos.but it´s not so good to stay at home all day but if you want to be youtuber you need to stay a lot of time at home.

    in conclusion i think it´s as well as instagram twitter...
    moreover you can meet a lot of people in this platform and you can took with your suscribers about their problems and your problems.so why don´t you create a youtube acount and later you can create a channel.

    alejandro montero
    sergio garcia

  6. The benefits of the new technologies.

    New technologies do not take long with us. It is a way to keep up, such as digital newspapers and web pages. It makes our lives easier and much faster. Whenever we have a problem we go to the Internet to ask for help both in forums and looking for ways to solve it.

    New technologies have many advantages, such as being able to chat, find any information, and you will always find an answer to any question you may have. Other advantages are watching videos, documentaries to learn new things. We can also download anything without having to buy it and thus have more space.

    Some of the disadvantages are: THEY DO NOT HAVE DISADVANTAGES, EVERYTHING IS ADVANTAGES! They have so many advantages that we use them daily without realizing it. The best advantage it has is that it makes life easier for us in an incredible way and makes our lives much faster.

    In conclusion: without the new technologies our life would be very heavy and much more slowly and honestly without it we would not do many of the things that we usually do and that are important in our daily life.


  7. The benefits of traveling.

    There are many benefits, both scientific and psychological when traveling. In the next presentation we will talk about different benefits, and we will try to convince you that traveling is very good both for our health and for our knowledge.

    The 11 psychological benefits of traveling
    Reduces stress and anxiety Since knowing new places and new people, your emotional health improves.
    Strengthen your ability to solve problems. Since being in a totally unknown place you unpack and open your mind to things totally unknown to you.
    Open your mind and expand your horizons. ...
    It favors self-discovery. ...
    It makes you happier. Because you live new experiences.
    It makes you rethink many things. Since you compare what you know with something totally unknown.

    Another benefit is that you discover a new language with which to communicate. This type of experience accelerates learning and above all, it is learned in a fun way.

    The trip allows you to expand your knowledge and teaches you new ways of thinking and doing.
    Traveling means seeing cultures up close and realizing that we share the same fundamental values ​​and the same objectives. We are all part of the same planet and this makes us stay connected. Traveling is a good method to learn to apply tolerance.

    Many people think that traveling is expensive and when you talk to them about a trip of many days, they look at you and say: "Impossible. I can not afford it. "Little by little, I have discovered that there are many tricks and techniques to save on travel expenses. They can even pay us to travel! Also, you can work while traveling. There are many opportunities!

    In conclusion, these are all the benefits of traveling. I think there are too many with which I will seriously consider traveling more often.

  8. The benefits of reading

    One of the benefits of reading is that it means that your vocabulary is automatic according to the previous one that you like so much as the vocabulary as culture, gastronomy of a country, ... getting to know it.

    One of the great advantages of dedicating ourselves to reading a book is that when we read, our brain starts exercising, but for it to have long-term results, we need the activity to be constant. And reading does not help to make certain diseases,for exemplo Alzheimer's.

    Another benefit of reading that allows you to travel to other places without having to move from the site, helps your concentration, improves your memory, ...

    To conclude these are the reasons why we read good and we read all the time, our brain notices it with the passage of time and this deep thanks us.

    Rocio Fraile de la Carrera 4ºC
    Soledad Rodriguez Garcia 4ºC

  9. the benefits of Barroco
    We are going to tell you all the advantages of the baroque, so you can come and see it.

    the Barroco in Olivares groves is a celebration that is done to remember that time, and people dress with the typical costumes, in addition to acting as at that time; there are many artisan stands and different activities

    You could come because at these parties you will not get bored because there is a very good atmosphere and there are also many places to visit and buy things like; leather bracelets, sculptures of ceramics, articles for the hair, cold meats, etc ... What we like most about the baroque and we think you have to try it are the caramelized pipes, they are very good and they are famous of this party.

    I advise you to come in good company and dine or eat at some stand while you watch the parades, which is the most fun; they play music, they play with fire, they tell jokes ... etc and you will have a good time, then for tea or dessert you can buy a sweet or an ice cream in the famous stands, there are all the rare flavors you want to find.

    Marta y David fuentes 4ºc

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  11. The benefits of dance.

    We dance ’Flamenco’ since we were little. We think that dancing is a form of forget everything and be happy for a few minutes.

    Dance can improve your health. For example, if you are stressed and you start to dance, the stress can disappear because dance put your mind off.
    Dancing is also a good way to meet people and cultures from other countries. In addition, dancing has a great influence on tourism, for example, when there are a very important festival, people from all over the world goes there.

    Dancing helps to socialize better, for example, when a child is timid, dance classes helps you to improve your skills in this sense and lose their fear to speak and relate to others.
    Develop creativity. When the children begin to dance, they develop a series of creative skills that will accompany them for the rest of their lives.

    In summary, the dance only has benefits as you can check. We have been practicing for years and we love it. It helps the health, the mind and is very rewarding.

    R. Mercedes García and Rocío Rivera, 4º E.

  12. We are going to talk about the advantages and benefits of recycling. This is a very important action that all people at their houses should do. But not all peopledo it. So we have to convince ourselves to do this because is so esay to do it and help the world.

    There are a lot of advantages of recycling but the most important is that if we recycle we save the Earth and all the people, animals, and people that live on it. This action is very important because if we damage the Earth, the next generation would have bad conditions for life.

    Another important advantage of recycling is that we will delay the global warming and the air would be more fresh. This also help the development of the nature. Nowadays even exists islands made of plastics bags in the middle of the ocean, this damage seriously the environment. However, if we recycle we are in time to stop this process and reducing the pollution.

    In conclusion, recycling is important to our present and our future because it helps to save the world. For that reason, we have to recycle reusing or using the trash that may be in the streets and all the people, we have to tell the children the importance of recycling that it has in our lives.

    Álvaro Ramos Torres 4ºC
    Eva Garcia 4ºC



    Many people need to play sports to lead a healthier life. However, sports also have other advantages. The objective of this report is to make people aware of the need to play sports.

    Practicing some sport improves health at an emotional level, in addition to provides a greater sense of well-being and increases self-esteem, improves the mood, allowing you to improve your social skills and reduce the time of isolation and loneliness. Playing sports is one of the things that reduces the risk of diseases.

    The sport and exercise as well as not only serve to burn or gain muscle. Moreover practicing sports helps you reduce stress, the continuous exercise will improve the image of yourself and improves, your social realationships can also improve and do exercise also help you to relieves anxiety.

    In conclusion, physical exercise helps you improve the quality of life, increases your sel-esteem, prevents diseases and improves your learning.


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  15. The benefits of horse riding.


    Many people think that riding a horse hasn´t got too much benefits whereas it´s scientificly proven that it not only has several advantages but also you can acquire some skills. Furthermore you can have a good time in relation with nature, it will be just an incredible experience. So do not let yourself be guided by the opinions of unexperience people .

    Physical benefits

    Talking about physical benefits, riding a horse isn´t as people think. To ride a horse it´s necessary to do physical exercise. However doing this exercise we will improve our vertical and horizontal balance and as you have to be concentrated on the movements of the horse, we will also improved our reflexes. Moreover when you are riding a horse you are burning calories at the rate of 5 calories per minute. What´s more!! your children can learn the responsibility of caring for an animal.

    Psicological Benefits

    When you are in contact with a horse you are improving your confidence and self-control of feelings and as a concequence your self-steem. Another positive point is that as you have a horse under your control, your attention capacity increased and you are learning feelings such as respect and responsability. In your private life it will help you to disconnect from reality and to relax discovering new places. In addition to what I have said, It´s a good method to rehabilitate from injuries.


    As you have seen, riding a horse is a fantastic wat not only to get fit and do exercise but also to exercise your brain. Besides you have to bear in mind that you depend on an animal so you have to be cautious. If you are thinking to start practising this sport, you have to be very respectful with your horse and of course take care of it.

    José Carlos Herrera 4C
    Felipe de la Carrera 4C


    The beach is a place where you can find a lot of sand and enjoy the sea. People, usually go to the beach to spend their summer holidays there.The sun, the breeze and the good weather are important aspects of the beach. There are people who love going to the beach regardless the season because they can relax, people who love going to the beach in summer and people who prefer not to go.

    Advantages for our health.
    Going to the beach is good to chill out and sleep better.This happens because the maritime environment helps you to avoid stress.When you are next to the sea, you breath deeply and you feel relax. Moreover, going for a walk in the sand, helps us to improve our joints. Another positive point is that waves make our muscles be relaxed. That's why, doctors advise their patients to go for a swim in the sea, to feel better. What's more surprising is that the sea water cures some diseases of our skin such as psoriasis or atopic skin. And finally, the last advantage for our health is that the sea breeze improves our breathing and makes our lungs healthiers.

    Advantages of going to the beach.
    Going to the beach makes you feel happy and good. One of the things that everybody likes doing there is not only sunbathing, but getting dark. Furthemore, we can play games, we can make sandcastles with shovels and buckets, we can practise water sports... Also, you can meet other people.Another important thing is that you don't need to spend a lot of money. If you want, you can eat at a restaurant near the beach and if you don't want, you can bring your food.

    To sum up, if you want to have a good time and relax, you should go to the beach. Don't miss out on going to the beach because it is one of the best things you can do, specially in summer, but if you want, you can also go in spring, autumn or winter because I am sure you will also enjoy it. We strongly recommend you this place because you will feel much better when you are back.

    Angélica Díaz López
    David Ruiz Sanz 4ºC

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    Swim have a lot of benefits becouse is an sport that improve your body and your mental education becouse is an relaxing sports that have very good things.
    Phisical benefits
    Injuries Are Incredibly Rare
    With the water supporting your bodyweight, swimming is a great way for anyone to work out without putting stress on your joints.
    It Builds Muscle All Over The Body
    We’ve all gazed in slack-jawed admiration at the bodies of Olympic swimmers. While a few laps of the local lido every week is unlikely to result in equivalent changes to your torso, swimming will quickly make muscles all over your body bigger and stronger.
    Injuries Are Incredibly Rare
    With the water supporting your bodyweight, swimming is a great way for anyone to work out without putting stress on your joints.
    It Will Help You Lose Weight
    Due to the weight-bearing properties of the pool, swimming serves as an excellent way for overweight people to work out without straining their body. It might not burn calories quickly as some other, more intense, workouts, but it will get the job done in terms of weight loss.
    It’s Ideal For A Mental Break
    The pool is the perfect place to cut yourself off from the rest of the world and relax.
    In conclusión practise this sports is very good to your health



    The definition of sport is activity or physical exercise, subject to certain standards, in with it is tasted, with or without competition, of skill, dexterity or physical strength. There are many ways to do sport such as jogging, swimming, gym……and at the same time are many types of sport such as football, basketball, golf….

    Some of the advantages of doing sport that can reach many people who do the same sport as you . For example, I have played football since I was four years old and thanks to this sport, I have met many people who are now my best friends.

    Also doing sports is good for your health and to prevent diseases like obesity. Many studies have said that doing sports improves your self-esteem and makes you happier. Also if you do sports with the frequency your physical appearance improves.

    In conclusion practicing sport is a good way to get fit, be healthy and very good form of fun. We recommend you practice sports every day and you will become a bull


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  21. The benefits of pets.
    We are going to talk about benefits of having a pet at home. There are studies that have proven pets improve our quality of life.

    As well as improve the quality of life. Moreover one of the most daily benefits is that it reduces the stress of people around them. In addition to one benefit that abounds in the old people is that it avoids the feeling of loneliness.

    Dogs like Labrador have a great benefit because they help people with disabilities like blind people. With this we mean that apart from giving company they can be of great help to us.

    Many people are in favor of it, because having a pet it much more than feeding them and us more advantages than disadvantages. One of the best benefits is the love they give us and help us to express emotions.

    Moreover have a pet is a good choice if you have children because pets makes children more sensitive and responsible. In children with autism has been shown that is an excellent help.

    Finally, we also want to say that having a pet with you can be one of the best things in life, since it helps you in many aspects of life, so we encourage you to adopt a pet!

    Mercedes de la Rosa 4ºE.
    Angela Gonzalez 4ºE.
    Celia Lopez 4ºE.

  22. When the decision is made to have a pet at home there are two options to get it.
    One option could be to buy it at a pet store and another option would be to get information at a center where you can adopt abandoned animals.
    We always forget the option of adopting since the stores offer us more advantages such as the breed of the animal.


    -By adopting, we change the life of two animals, the life of the animal that we decide to adopt, and the life of another abandoned animal that will occupy the position of the adoption center.

    -Moreover, the economic factor is another point in favor because it is much cheaper than buying an animal.

    -In these centers you will find people who are not only interested in adopting, but who care about finding your ideal pet and the ideal owner for the pet.

    -The animals that are commercialized in stores are separated from their mothers and far from their natural environment.

    -Some animals suffer from cutting their tails, ears, wings, etc. To fit the established standards for breeding and sale.

    -Animals that do not meet certain requirements for sale are slaughtered.

    As we can see, there are numerous advantages when adopting a pet, so if you plan to have a pet, we suggest you take this option into account. In this way, in addition to making a good gesture, we show the world that animals are not objects.


  23. The benefits of studying abroad.

    Studying abroad is more expensive than studying in your own country but it is the best option for example to learn languages.

    The main benefit of studying abroad is that you do different and interesting activities that you can´t do in your country.
    Moreover you can see a new culture, new territories and different landscapes.

    Another reason you might consider studying abroad is for the chance to experience different styles of education. By enrolling in a study abroad program, you’ll have the chance to see a side of your major that you may not have been exposed to at home.
    You’ll find that completely immersing yourself in the education system of your host country is a great way to really experience and understand the people, its traditions, and its culture. Education is the centerpiece of any study abroad trip—it is, after all, a study abroad program—and choosing the right school is a very important factor.

    In adittion, when you finish your study abroad program and return home, you will return with a new perspective on culture, language skills, a great education, and a willingness to learn. Needless to say, all of these are very attractive to future employers.
    Many students find that they love their host country so much that they decide to seek work there. If you can relate, you will find that a local education will be very valuable when searching for a potential job in that country.

    Furthermore, one of the biggest benefits of studying abroad is the opportunity to meet new lifelong friends from different backgrounds. While studying abroad, you will attend school and live with students from your host country. This gives you the opportunity to really get to know and create lasting relationships with your fellow students.
    After the study abroad program ends, make an effort stay in contact with your international friends. In addition to rewarding personal relationships, these friends can also be important networking tools later down the road.

    In conclusion, studying abroad is a very beautiful experience and it helps you to have more opportunities in the future.

    Óscar Muñoz Torres 4ºE
    Francisco Librero Cid 4ºE
    Bruno López Rodríguez 4ºE

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    The turism is an activity where you move to one place to the other for differents reason. It consider
    turism when you are minimum 24 hour in other place where you don ́t live.Also this activity is
    related with the enjoy of the people.
    There are differents types of turism: beach turism ,job turism ( is when you go to one place to
    other with a work ́s purpuse), nature turism , backpacking ( when yiou travel with only a bag , it is
    one of the most cheapes way to travel), sightseeing ( is when you go to another place to visist her
    monument ..)

    The turism has a lot of benefits.
    SOCIAL BENEFITS-->Firstly is that you can learn other cultures. This benefits is very interesting
    because you can learn about his/ her traditions and way of live .This can be an spectacular sperience
    to known better the world and to open your mind.Another advantage is that you can travel to learn
    new lenguage, becouse to learn another lenguage is not only study also to improve your knowledge
    you have to relacionate and speak with the people in that zone.
    ECONOMIC BENEFITS-->Moreover the turism have other advantage.The the economic benefits that have the turism in one place is enormous.The coming of the turist to
    one place not only create job, also the turist waste a lot of money in our cities or villages.
    HEALTH BENEFITS-->Finally the turism is also a good way to relax. Many people move to
    other places to be relax for example in the spas... And also doing some activities in the nature can
    help you to be relaxed.

    To sum up the turism is an spectacular activity that have a lot of benefits where
    you can leran a lot and also is a good for us,( healthy)

    Fernando Marin Reyes and JM Valverde

  26. The benefits of the healthy life.

    -A healthy diet has many benefits, not just having an incredible body, doing so also helps you redec the risk developing cancer by up to 50%.

    -Eating well and exercising regularly helps you avoid maintain a healthy body mass. Also, you feel good with your body.

    -Leading a healthy life helps prevent certain health conditions, such as heart dislase, stroke and high blood pressure.

    -After a long and an unhealthy meal, a characteristics lethargy sensation is experienced.

    -Certain foods have the ability to moderate the production of cortisol, causing stress ,in the body.

    -Eating healthy foods help reduce levels of bar colesterol, which is harmful to the heart.

    Ilyass chobani.




    Talking about traveling, we know that is one of the most important thing and one of the most interesting thing that we can enjoy from life. That's for some reasons that will convince you about all the benefits that have to travel around the world.

    Firstly, when you travel, you change your point of view. You have an open mind and you can talk and meet new people. FURTHERMORE, it reduces your stress, specially when you travel after a hard-working year. WHAT'S MORE, you'll have a more positive mind or a more positive way of thinking. Traveling, you`ll meet new people AS WELL AS discover unforgettable places. In other countries, you'll consider normal things those that you can't admite in your country. I recommend to travel those people with a close mind in order to open it and accept that have more things and not just what you accept. For example, you'll consider a great friend a person who like his same gender, in case that you don't accept them.

    IN ADDITION TO what Lucas have said, another important thing is the development of our minds to unwind in other place and atmosphere, AS WELL AS you can learn and improve other languages and other culture.
    WHAT'S MORE, the variet of gastronomy that you could discover in the world is another advantage of traveling. FURTHERMORE, visiting the monuments of other countries and places can help you to improve your knowledge about culture.

    To sum up, there are a lot of social and educational reasons in order to travel. I think you'll enjoy a lot and you will be a better person

  28. Feminism is a social and political movement that began formally at the end of the eighteenth century, with the second industrial revolution, although it still did not receive any name. It presupposes the recognition of women as a human group, furthermore , it is aware of the oppression, domination and exploitation that have suffered from the collective of men, which moves them to action for the liberation of their sex, thus putting them to the height of being able to obtain the rights that have previously been reserved exclusively for men.

    Now a days, although we have made progress, we still have a lot of progress to make, and there are currently many examples of inequality in our daily lives. For example, the wage gap shows that in all countries of the world there is a greater or lesser difference when paying a woman and a man for the same work done, there are also many more cases of men in positions of work with charges over that of women, this being the majority of the Sometimes someone in charge of a man, also, we can see as an example also the gender price gap, a rate that indicates the added value that is included to an object simply by the fact of being addressed to a woman for its daily use, not being so for the case of men. In addition to a case that goes unnoticed by the habituated we are to him, which is the objectification of the woman, it is announced to the woman as a sexual object for a man's consumption, compared to when a woman strips naked or dresses as she wants simply because he feels and knows that his body belongs to her.

    As much as we can see, it leads us to accumulate a series of chauvinist thoughts that often leads to gender violence, leading in some cases even to death. Because what starts with a thought, ends with an action that represents it. All these characteristics of inequality, does it not lead you to think if we are really free? There is not the possibility that we have tax rolls that make us have stereotypes before ourselves ... and ... if we judge ourselves and damage ourselves with our limitations ... how are we not going to be able to judge and harm others?

    So with all this the most obvious advantage may be that if all this did not exist would not be an advantage in itself being able to talk to a person or that a person speaks to you and be treated as an equal without having to think about whether there is something What makes you be less or more than the other? Feel ... free? Good?



    Nowadays, teenagers of any age like to spend their time doing something they truly like, such as playing some sports, listening to music, drawing, dancing or just hanging out with their friends. However, what we both enjoy the most is reading. Generally, there are people our age who think it’s a boring leisure-time activity because it is generally compulsory and the thought of reading a 400-pages book sounds quite challenging. But, our goal today is to break that fake prejudice.

    -1 BENEFICT (knowledge)

    First, it is well known that the more you read the bigger your vocabulary gets. It is said that you don’t learn to talk talking, but reading. However, reading also affects the way you think and your perspective of the world because it makes you put on someone else’s shoes and you get to know that person’s opinion on a certain subject, like an illness the protagonist is going throw. That usually ends up in you moulding your own character and developing yourself as a person while gaining a different point of view.

    2 BENEFICT (health)

    Another benefit is that, biologically talking, it is in the human DNA to be alert to the stimuli that surround us. Therefore, to be concentrated in just one process such as reading is unnatural, because it means our brain is only focusing on understanding the text and interpreting its meaning. As a result, the brain gets used to it and develops its neurons. That leads to improving our memory, our imagination and our concentration. Moreover, instead of the idea of this shy and quite type reader that people usually has in mind, an actual reader is also able to develop a few social abilities, like empathy, easier than anyone who doesn’t read at all. In addition, as it has been found out, a person who reads at least 3’5 hours per week has a higher probability to life longer.

    To sum up, reading help us to develop as person and mantein our brains fit, by a relaxing and educational method. With books you can put yourself in someone else's shoes and improve your imagination with fictional words that authors create.


    Nowadays everyone need internet to anything.
    As we know internet is the most useful place to connect with the rest of the world or to look for any type of information.
    However this is something very new, twenty years ago nobody could imagine this great development. The aim of this report is to consider additional benefits.

    Firstly we have to consider that is a perfect way of communication.
    Allowing people to be connected at an amazing little period of time, as well as to mett other people. And not only for that, it is also useful to help shy people to socializate.
    Moreover, it is a help to uneable children with any disability because there are interactive games.

    Furthermore of have social benefits there are educational benefits.
    It is know that is perfect way of study and what is more , statics affirm that improve very much the academic results.
    Internet can be used to escolar support.

    In conclusion : internet is growing in big steps but we have to take the good part of this ,using it to improve our knowledge , or what is more to improve our list of friends .
    Finally , what we do with who we talk , or where we are.

    Maria Rodriguez Lopez and Olalla Munerol Trescastro 4ºE


    The bullfights are one of the most oldest traditions in Spain. The bull is one of the most important symbol in our country and makes known our culture. Los San Fermines, La Feria De Sevilla, La Feria de Madrid…are many of the events in where the bulls participated. The bullfighting events are the second most watched show behind football. Almost twenty-five million people attendend to bullfights of all kind(more than the double that the ones who attend to the theatre or the spanish cinema).

    Some of the advantages of bullfighting are that it provide a lot of job positions, it benefits to the economy. Also, without this type of events in our country, the country would lose money because of the tourists who come to see it and probably the state would have less money destinated to education and health.
    The bullfighting provides more than 1.600.000 per year as much as foreign espectators as residents. Other of the main advantages are that the bulls of ´´lidia ´´ live in open meadows, feed well on food from the fields and farmers and are vaccinated and with monthly reviews of veterinarians.

    For example, in the year 2013 ocurred the total economic impact in which the bullfights provided the 0,16 per cent of the GDP of the country. In the events like the ´´Feria de Sevilla´´ bullfights generates 5,8 millions per years in ``San Isidro´´ 61,8 millions, ``San Fermin´´ 26,2,… The bullfights provides a lot of money that will help to the develop of the country.

    In conclusión, we understand that there are people against the bullfights but it seems very bad that they don´t let us enjoy peacefully to the people who likes this world and that we appreciate so much.

    Adrián Herrera Sanz 4ºC
    Álvaro Navarro Herrera 4ºC

  32. Hello partners, we are going to speak about public transports. No much people use public transports when they go to high school or to go working and we made the conclusion that we must use them.

    The use of public transport avoid a lot of traffic jams, it reduces the quantity of vehicles in the roads and not only reduce traffic jam but also avoid a lot of traffic accidents

    In adittion to that my partner have say some things that you should know about the public transport is that you will never be worried about parking or the time.Because they always go quickly and they have his own parkinkg.

    Also use public trasport is better for the enviorement because the numbers of cars in the road is lower and they produce less pollution. Moreover when do you use public transport you have to walk to the place where you take the transport so do you do some sport.

    Miguel Ángel Carmona Parra
    Eulogio García Gómez

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