martes, 15 de mayo de 2018


                                                                    Airam's cat  (Martin)
                                                                Marta Herrera's cat (Lola)
                                                               Angela González's cats
                                                        Angela Cotán's dog (Rudolph)
                                                         Bruno's cat (Genaro)
                               José Carlos' horses (Amapola and Taranto)

We have been talking about the feelings of animals. if you have a pet, you may be very conscious of this.

What do  you think of pets? Do you like them? Why?

Write an essay of 120 words talking about the advantages and disadvantages of having pets at home.

1st paragraph: introduction

2nd paragrpah: disadvantages of having a pet

3rd paragraph:  advantages of having a pet

4th paragraph: conclusion

(If you have a pet, you can write your composition about it in particular)

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  3. Nowadays, almost every people have pets. However, it has advantages and of course, also disadvantages. I am going to tell you some of them.

    Some of the advantages are that your pet, can make you happy. When you feel stressed, you can stay with your pet and you can feel more relax. Another advantage is that if you haven´t got money to buy a pet, there are a lot of places where you can adopted them. Scientists demostrated that have a pet is very good for children.

    But there are some disadvantages too. It can be very expensive because pets need a lot of care. They need a lot of vacunes and specific things. Also, it take a lot of your time. Then, you have to teach them where they have to do their needs.

    I have a pet and i am really happy about that. I recommend you so much to have a pet because although it is expensive, your pet makes you so happy.

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  5. Pets can be the best friends that you can have but it is true that if you don´t educate them (without mistreating), pets can be the worst friends that you can have.

    Once you have a pet you are also responsible for their health and wellness and have to provide extra attention to their well-being. Having a pet can be very messy and if you are one of those cleanliness freaks then you always have to be on your toes to watch for all the clutter and filth your pet is creating around the house (and also on streets, very important!). Once you have them they become a part of the family and you don’t love them any less than your sibling or your child. Hence losing your pet under any circumstances is heart breaking and can leave you devastated.

    Modern life is stressful and high levels of anxiety can lead to numerous health problems. Luckily, pets can really help us relax – stroking your cat or simply watching fish swim around in a tank can make your worries melt away. If you live by yourself, or your partner works different shift patterns to you, it can get awfully lonely at home – unless you have a pet, of course! Cats and dogs make great companions – they’ll always be waiting for you to come home and they’ll be happy to lend an ear should you want to moan about the awful day you’ve had. Not everyone likes being home alone, but having a cat or dog there can make your feel a lot safer.

    In conclusion, having pets is at first somewhat expensive but something that will make you feel happy if you treat it with respect and as someone else in the family and not as a toy.

  6. Most of the people say that having pets have a lot of disadvantages, I know it's true. But also having pets have more advantages than disadvantages, in my opinion. I'm going to tell you some of them.

    Some of the disadvantages are: they could be very expensive, you need to go out with it every day to do it needs and if you are studying, you can't do it. Another disadvantage is that if you can't go out with it, your pet could do poo in the floor and you have to clean it.

    Some of the advantages are: you aren't be lonely, pets could be one of your best friends, if you are stressed you can go out with it and be relaxed with it in a park. Another advantages are that you could adopt a pet. This means that is more cheaper than if you buy it.

    In conclusion, I recommend to all the people that having pets is one of the best things that you could do in your life. You are going to have real friends if you have it. I have a dog and I'm very happy with it.

    Francisco Librero Cid 4ºE

  7. I'm going to talk about my pet, Cira, is a small yorkie dog, is very small and flimsy, but is very pretty, is of race and has silver and black hair; they gave it to us for Christmas and it is very playful

    Having a pet dog has some disadvantages
    - You have to make time for him or her - At the beginning when he does not know what he does, he becomes wee and poops all over the house
    - You have to have schedules to take her out for a walk
    -the house has to be clean all day, because it smells like a dog
    - If you are scrupulous, when you poop on the street, you have to pick it up

    but I think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, these are its advantages:
    - When you're sad, you're glad to see her jump and bark and it's very satisfying
    - it clears you to take it out for a walk
    - You can comb it and make pigtails
    - you have a lot of fun bathing it, drying it etc
    - It makes you a lot of company when you are alone
    - You can sleep with her and you feel protected
    - can accompany you anywhere, to buy, to pick up your sister to school, etc and you do not go alone
    - You can even take it on vacation so as not to miss it, because some hotels, camping etc let pets
    - You can go to the park and play with her and her toys
    - gives you love

    I think that having a pet is very satisfying because although it has its disadvantages the advantages are greater, you feel good to have an animal that is with you always



    Well, I'm going to talk about my pet lion, even if it's not from a neighbor but he's in my house all day with us, just like he's from the family and we love him very much.

    The disadvantages of my cat are that you have to go to the vet and every time you go you spend a lot of money so that your cat does not have any disease or anything else, another disadvantage is that it leaves you all the armchairs and the disheveled curtains to scratch them, in My case does not happen because it is not mine and I do not pay the vet and I do not destroy the curtains or sofas as it is a very noble cat.

    The advantages of my cat are that it is a very calm and very affectionate cat and since it is not ours because the food and everything you need is bought by its owner and we receive all your affection since it is all day with us.

    In conclusion to have a cat for me is the best because it makes you company in bad times.

  9. Most of the people use to have pets at home because they feel alone or only because they like it.
    Pets aren't easy to take care and many people don't take care of it, pets have to be feeded three times a day and depends on the pets, you have to go out with it but you have to be concious that It isn't a toy.

    Pets are useful and a great company if you are alone. Pets make us feel good and never depressed but also it's a good way to do exercise every day because a pet needs to go out to poop in the park.Also a pet can be a good way to protect you house. A dog can protect your house from robbers when you are on a trip or simply when you are buying the bread.

    The disadvantages of having a pet is that you spend a lot of money in it because you have to feed it and take care of it. You have to buy beds for your pets to sleep properly and you have to shower them like a person if you want to have a clean pet an also to prevent illnesses. Also you have to carry them to vet to do a revision twice a month. The worst thing of having a pet is to pick up the poop the your pet throw in the park wit h a special plastic bag.

    In conclusion, It's a waste of time and money to have a pet, not only because you have to feed it and take care of it but also because it's a big responsability and if it die you are responsable of this. So trust me and don't buy a pet because it's a waste of time money....

    Felipe de la Carrera Rodriguez

  10. I have two dogs, 1 is from my sister Angela, he is called Pancho, his body is elongated like the dachshund but it is a mixture of Maneto cruze and he is the oldest, and the second one is called Curro, it is also a cross between mast and labrador. What I like most about my dogs is that they are very affectionate.

    One of the disadvantages is that it is very bad when one of your pets is sick because you do not know what the other one has done and the other of the disadvantages of having a dog in which you have a great responsibility for the good life, passing it and that you have to be careful with the parasites.

    There are many advantages of having a pet but only write about the 4 most important, the first is that they give you a lot of love and are very attentive, the second advantage is that you do not get bored with them because you always play when you want and the third advantage is that when you get it out you get to do sport and that at the same time you have fun with you and the last advantage is that when you name a dog or a cat or save it from the street you are getting it not to die either because it is in very bad conditions or why not kill him in the kennels.

    In conclusion, I recommend having a dog why they are very affectionate and why they are real friends that never take you.

    Rocí Fraile de la Carrera 4ºC

  11. Most of people think that having a pet is very beautiful, what it is true, but it is not only having fun with it and taking photos, you have to bear in mind that when you have a pet you have to take several responsibilities, such as feeding it, going out with it, or cleaning its space. In my case, I have two horses and I have to recognise that it is really amazing.

    As I have said, you have to assume several responsibilities. First of all, and the most important thing is to feed them, because, as you, they have to eat every day. However, they eat two times a day, instead of three, and you have to go to your farm and feed them. Another “negative” point of view is that when you want to ride and you don't have much time, you spend at least half an hour preparing them, and when you arrive, you have to shower them with shampoo as a person.

    On the other hand, it is an amazing world of trust and respect with your horse. Furthermore, you establish a moral link with it and it is really beautiful. Moreover, you will spend a really good time when you go out to the countriside and you enjoy nature. What it is more is that you will be improving your balance when you ride. Another advantage is that, if you have a horse carriage, you can hook your horse to it, and go out with your friends.

    Once that you have read my essay, what are you waiting for starting ridind a horse? You willl meet new friends and who knows? May be you will find even your love. Finally, I only have to say: just ride it!

    José Carlos Herrera 4ºC


  12. Hello, today I'm going to talk about my dog ​​and the advantages and disadvantages of having a pet. I have a dog, his name is PANCHO and he is 5 years old.

    The disadvantages of having a child pet:
    that economically you lose a lot of money so you have to buy the food, pay the vet, put the vaccines every year, etc.
    that loose many hairs all over the house.
    Another inconvenience that entails that you have to bathe and at the time of doing it they get very nervous. I remember one day dancing to my dog, how restless I was, what I did with him, it was funny but later than bruises.

    The advantages of having a son dog:
    They are very affectionate and are always looking for your attention.
    that when it comes to training them is very simple
    that you play with and also play sports.
    Another advantage is that because I have a dog I met a girl who is now my friend.

    in conclusion, that you have a pet is something wonderful, that you have new people.l

  13. I have a dog named Kuki. This is black and it is pretty ugly the truth but it is quite affectionate and it is good to me although when it goes out it barks a lot.

    The bad things that my dog has is that he barks a lot and is aggressive with people because if he sees you, he will surely tear your head off. It also usually escapes and appear two or three days later.

    The good thing about my dog is that he is affectionate and when he gets home he welcomes me with joy. My dog is pretty smart because he always finds a way to feel sorry for his goal.

    In conclusion my dog is good because he eats little, he is affectionate, and you do not have to take him for a walk because he runs away when he wants.

    Juan Cruz López Herrera. 4ºC

  14. A pet is an animal that you have at your house. Usually this animals are domestic animals, like dogs, cats, birds and turtles. But there are people that have wild animals like snakes and little lions. But this people doesn’t realised that this types of animals need to live free in the countryside, to be used to their future in the jungle.

    There are some disadvantages of having pets. To have a pet is a very important responsibility, because you have to feed it, you have to clean it, you have to carry him to de veterinary. You have to spend too much time with the pet. Also, go to the veterinary, the food, this cost money. So you have to spend also lot of money. And when you go on holidays, you need to have a person that can adopted temporally your pet.

    But there are some advantages. You have a partner to spend your free time when you are bored, you can play with they and you can meet people in the special parks for the animal. Also with your friends that have pets you can have a walk all together.

    In conclusion, to have a pet is a very important responsibility, and you have to spend time and money but is also very fun because you can spend time and play with them and you can meet people.

    Álvaro Ramos Torres 4ºC

  15. Hello Michael I'm going to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of pets:

    I have three pets, two dogs and one cat.
    The first pet that I adopted was my dog Yiyo, when I adopted him he was 7 weeks and he was so small and grumpy.
    The second pet that I adopted was my dog Emer, when I adopted her she was 1 year agoand she was so nervous and loving.
    The third pet that I adopted was my cat Nicholas Leister (Nick), when I adopted him he was one month and he was so scared and lovely.

    The disadvantages are that my dogs and my cat don't get along,
    because my dogs are so nervous and my cat is so scared.
    Other disadvantage is that you have to take them out
    and you have remove the poop.

    The advantages are that they are so loving, funny and independents. You have fun with them
    and when you take them out you can meet new people with dogs.
    When you are sad they encourage you and play with you with the ball or the rope.
    They are a part of the family.

    My conclusion is that the pets are the best thing that you can have because they always cheer you up if you're sad,
    you can meet new people, you save the animals that people leave and give them a home, food and love.

    Luna Espinosa Sampedro 4ºC


    To start with, pets are better por those people who doesn’t have a couple. From my point of view, pets change your life and can make it better because they give you the affection that you need and they’re always there when you need them. I don’t have it now, but I think that in the future I’ll adopt one dog.

    According to the disadvantages, pets loose a lot of hair and often, they do their needs anywhere. When your pet is in your house, it does his needs, for example, in your living room and then, you can get a bit angry. Also, as I’ve said before, they loose a lot of hair in your clothes. Another problem could be that they play a lot and often they break some things that could be important for you.

    On the other hand, pets are always there when you need them. It’s so beautiful when you come back home after a long and hard-working day and you see his face, you feel so happy to have a friend like him. You can play with him and forget your problems for a while.

    To sum up, I recommend having a pet and I’m sure that I’ll have one when I’m older. Dogs are the best friend for human beings.

  17. Today I going to talk about the pets in general because I don't have pets but I like very much, because having a pets it a very beautiful thing in the life.

    Pets have a lot of advantages but have some disadvantages like there they leave quite hair on the couch, there are very expensive to keep and you should pick up its street poop but only just have to get used to it.

    The advantages of pets are there are a very good friends, they help you relax, they make you be more responsible, you never stay boring with a pet and when you stay with your pet you stay more happy.

    In conclusion, I encourage you to have a pet because you will stay more happy and have a very good friend!

    Celia López Muñoz 4ºE

  18. Ángela García González, 4ºE

    Having a pet can give us lot of happiness. Currently, many people have pets at home, because you consider it a member of your family. But having a pet and taking care of it carries a series of responsibilities that you have to know how to maintain.

    Talking about their disadvantages, we know that it is necessary to buy their specific food every month, in addition to cleaning the area where their food bowl and bed are. Moreover, most people who have pets often complain about having to remove the stool they make on the floor of the house, it is also very common that the doors, and blankets and rugs are scratched by the nails of them in the case that is dog or cat.

    But all that does not mean that having a pet is not beneficial for us, because pets are so fond of them that they are considered one more in the family. You can also notice the affection they have for the people who care for them, futhermore, a pet that is like a friend, will never let you down , something that could make you a person.

    In conclusion, one of the best things we can enjoy life, is sharing our moments with a pet, and if we can do it, adopting it would be much better.

  19. Ángela García González, 4ºE

    Having a pet can give us lot of happiness. Currently, many people have pets at home, because you consider it a member of your family. But having a pet and taking care of it carries a series of responsibilities that you have to know how to maintain.

    Talking about their disadvantages, we know that it is necessary to buy their specific food every month, in addition to cleaning the area where their food bowl and bed are. Moreover, most people who have pets often complain about having to remove the stool they make on the floor of the house, it is also very common that the doors, and blankets and rugs are scratched by the nails of them in the case that is dog or cat.

    But all that does not mean that having a pet is not beneficial for us, because pets are so fond of them that they are considered one more in the family. You can also notice the affection they have for the people who care for them, futhermore, a pet that is like a friend, will never let you down , something that could make you a person.

    In conclusion, one of the best things we can enjoy life, is sharing our moments with a pet, and if we can do it, adopting it would be much better.


    Nowadays more than the 75% of people has a pet, as we know, animals give us company, and lots of people consider them one more of the family, taking with them to go on holidays, or, what's more, looking for hotels for dogs.

    Talking about disadvantages, we have to consider the money that a family have to spend in a pet: vaccines, food, microchip, vet, etc. Another disadvantage is the time that you have to spend with the animal: to take it for a walk 3 times per day, to go to the vet, to clean it...

    The advantages of having a pet are so much, such as:
    -They make sure you’re never lonely: they’ll always be waiting for you to come home and they’ll be happy always.
    -They can help you make friends: having a pet is a great way to meet new people
    -They keep you fit: they’ll be dragging you out the front door and making you run around the park each and every day

    In conclusion: having a pet is definitely great of benefits. I think there are more advantages than disadvantages; you could organise your time to spend time with your pet, so enjoy!


    I have a white horse, it is a very big horse and it is 15 years old. I had it until I was 3 years old and then I sold it. Now he has bought it again. The horse is of race “Pura Raza Española”. It is a very calm and “noble” horse.


    Although it does not look like it, the horses have a lot of work. You have to eat two or three times every day, when the stalls are dirty you have to clean them, you have to put the “chimes” to ride them and when you finish riding you have to shower the horse. Also from time to time you have to clean the “chimes”.


    Horseback riding is very fun I love it and you relax a lot when riding a horse. Also when you are very stressed, if you go riding you forget everything and disconnect. As I like to ride, it is with my friends. Horses can do many different exercises.


    Riding is the best thing in the world and I love it. I have a great time and although there are disadvantages, nothing happens because then you enjoy a lot.

    Álvaro Navarro Herrera 4º C

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  23. For me to have pets seems to me to be something beneficial since everyone needs company. The pets that I like the most are dogs and that's why I have one that is called Ron. With the pet, the least I can relate to is with the cat, since I do not like them at all.

    On the one hand, having pets has some disadvantages since you have to dedicate a lot of time that sometimes you do not have, it can cause allergies to some people, another person has to take care of them when we are not at home, we have to keep the house clean ...

    On the other hand, it has many advantages because it gives you company when you are alone, reduces stress, helps to improve coexistence at home when it comes to dividing the care of the pet, it serves as a distraction in bad times ...

    In conclusion, I would invite everyone to have a pet even if they have to dedicate a little time to it, but that way they will never feel alone and will learn many things with them.

  24. Nowadays most people have a pet. Here I am going to tell you some disadvantages and advantages of pets.

    Having a pet is not all joys. You have to invest a lot of money to take care of it, for example to take it to the veterinarian or to feed it. You also have to clean all the shit that leaves for example the dogs and the cats lose a lot of hair that then you have to pick them up.

    Some of the advantages of pets are that they give you company every day and you can have fun playing with them.

    I think having a pet is a good idea because you can have a lot of fun with it and they will always be there to make your day.


  25. nowadays all peolple have pets.I have some birds that only have some months.The birds are raze "agaporni", they are very beautifull and they are a couple.

    the disadvantage to have birds is that you have to change the sand of its cage .other thing is that you can play with birds in general so it can be a Little bit boring and they are always tweeting.

    the advantages are that my birds are hand raised so i can play with them and it dont take soo much time to change de sand and put food other good thing is that when they tweet the sound is beautiful so sometimes i relax with them.

    i conclusión i think birds are the best animals because you dont have to do anithing and you can hand raise them so they will be your Friends.i hope you have a bird in a future and when someone goes to your house the will be surprised of them

    Alejandro montero marin 4c

  26. From my point of view, having a pet is one of the best things we can have in life. I'm going to talk specifically about my cats, although most people think they are gruff or they are not able to give us as much love as other animals, they personally transmit me affection, tranquility and above all company.

    Some disadvantages of having a pet, in the case of dogs, is taking him out for a walk x times a day, picking up his needs, etc, and I think that the worst disadvantage of your pet is that he gets sick and having to have a bad time with him. Another disadvantage of all pets is that every week you have to buy a specific meal, proper bath gel and other necessary things. In my case, the cats for that kind of things are a little more dependent, although even though they also need a lot of attention.

    As I said before, having a pet is one of the best things in life. It has many advantages, you can give a lot of love, company, understanding, etc. They are able to make us express our emotions. One of the things that most attracts my attention is the company that they can get to give to the elderly, people who don´t have a company or people with disabilities.

    In conclusion, I think that having a pet has more advantages than disadvantages, that it is nice to feel the warmth and affection of an animal, for all aspects of life. I invite you to adopt an animal, take care of it and above all that you mimes it as it deserves.

    Ángela González Méndez 4E.

  27. PETS
    I don't have any pet, but I know that pets are very sweet animals that have many advantages for people and the most important thing to have a pet is to be responsible and take good care of it. If we do not take care of them, we will have a series of disadvantages.

    Some of the most usual disadvantages are the maintenance of the pet, because many people can not afford some expenses like the vet, the food or the vaccines. Another negative point is that some pets produce an allergic reaction in some people. I know this because my uncle is allergic to cats and he can't touch or be near them.

    On the other hand, pets have many advantages. They are very happy and friendly and help people not to feel alone and to interact with more people . Moreover, pets help people to do physical activity because it is necessary to take them out for a walk several times a day. They also help to express feelings better such as love, friendship...

    In conclusion, I think that pets are very special animals and everyone should have the opportunity to have one, they help to improve people's lives.

    Angélica Díaz López 4ºC

  28. Now I'm going to talk about pets, I've always wanted to have one but my mother is allergic to the hair of many animals, but the love between owner and pet is very sincere and beautiful.

    I'm going to say some of the advantages of having pets, pets are great companions. They are always there for you, always ready to play and run or just sit quietly next to you. They love you no matter what and they do not judge you.
    Some disadvantages: they are very expensive to maintain. You need to buy food, pay for vaccines, sterilization, soaps and shampoo, medicines if you get sick and even surgery expenses for accidents or problems.

    The conclusion I have is that having a pet, the benefits it gives you are incomparable with the disadvantages, and I encourage you to adopt a pet.
    Gema lindes garcia

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  30. I like pets and I've had many since I was little, I've had a dog, birds, fish, turtles and I've even had a squirrel. All were different personalities, some were better and others were worse, but they all wanted them.

    The bad thing about having a pet is its care, since you always have to be with them, you have to feed them, drink them, take them out for a walk, etc. Another disadvantage is for the time of night, if for example you want to go on vacation to the beach you have to take your pet or leave it with someone, and you also have to spend a lot of money on them.

    But, having a pet has many advantages. If you live alone, a pet can make you a lot of company; If you take good care of your pet, it is after taking care of your time everything. If you have a dog, when you take it out for a walk, you will also exercise and you will be healthy; If you are sad, your pet can cheer you up. Also, if you have a dog you can educate to protect your home, you and your children.

    In conclusion, having a pet is the best you can do. Because you will never be alone, if you are sad, your pet will encourage you, if you are single you can meet other people thanks to your pet, etc.

    Óscar Gómez Bascón 4ºC

  31. Nowadays, any person has a pet I add myself in this group because I have a dog named bahia who is 4 years old , is a yorsike and today is the most important thing in my life.

    Having a pet in my case a dog are responsibilities. We should know that it is not a toy, it is like a baby and it has to be taken care of and also eat, drink and relieve itself. So we should take charge of feeding him, take him out several times a day to do his needs and be attentive to them. I repeat are not a toy.
    We also have to know that having a pet has its expenses and we have to give them a series of vaccines

    But not all are disadvantages a pet gives you an irreplaceable affection and make you smile when you are sad, if you are wrong sitting next to you to warm up and be with you.

    In conclusion I think having a pet is one of the best things you can have in life, of course if you take responsibility in ordering them. I encourage you to have a pet and if so you can choose to adopt.

  32. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  33. Nowadays the majority of the families live with a pet or some pet. Having a pet has many advantages but also disadvantages.

    Some of the advantages are that have an animal is an anti-ethers therapy, reduces anxiety and depression. They are a good company in moments of loneliness or illness. Perceive when we need their company. They are a reason to work in a team and share responsibilities. They help you in the recovery of some disease because with them you feel protected. You can take it with you to walk or to buy.

    Some of the disadvantages are that they have many responsibilities like for example they need time and care. There are people who are allergic. The house will need more cleaning because there will be hairs and lint. They need an economic investment because you will have to take them to the veterinarian.

    In conclusion, in my opinion each person has to assess the advantages and disadvantages of having pets and thus decide what they want to do.


  34. Nowadays people often have one or more pets to keep them company or because they really like to have them. Having pets has many disadvantages, but the advantages they have go over the disadvantages. Now I'm going to talk about it.

    Some of the disadvantages of having pets are: you have to invest a lot of money in their food, you have to take them outside to make their needs, because if not, they do it inside the house. They are the cause of many of the allergies that humans have. They have bugs all over their bodies and they have to be washed constantly, except for cats.

    However, there are many advantages that minimize the disadvantages. Some are: they always keep you company, you can always play with them, and they also have a lot of love for you. With them you forget everything bad.

    In conclusion, having pets is the best thing you can do to not feel alone, since they will always be with you, and when they die they leave an incredible emotional vacuum. I do not have pets, but I can imagine the suffering of people when their macotas die.


  35. Nowadays, it is very common for us to have a pet at home which, since arriving home, is part of the family and as part of the family needs care.Today I am going to talk about my cat. Her name is Lola and she is a year and a half old. She is affectionate and likes to be with people while being payful.

    All people do not have the same opinion there are people who think that having an animal at home is an extra job and that they do not have time. And it is true to have a pet involves taking care of it, be aware that they have all the vaccines, that they are not sick, You also have to feed him every day to give him water and take him out for a walk so that they can relieve themselves.

    But all that is compensated with the love you receive from an animal and the company that it gives you. Because when you lend love to an animal it returns it multiplied by 1000. For example, I love spending time with my cat, for example, when I'm alone, she offers me her company and the only thing he asks in return is that I pay attention to her and play with her, and for that things is why I love animals.

    In conclusion I think that anyone who feels alone and is capable of taking care of an animal should have one as a pet since it offers a lot of company and you stop feeling alone and will always offer you ALL her affection.


  36. I'm going to talk about my pet is a dog and it's called Platon, I picked it up from a kennel in 2010 and it's 12 years old, I do not know what breed it is but I guess it's a pooch.He has black hair with a brown nose and when we took him he had a huge wound in his leg and nose because his former owners beat him.
    The disadvantages of having my dog are few but among them are that it makes a lot of poop and I have to pick them up myself and eat like three dogs.
    The advantages are a million because it is the most fun and funny dog in the world, it gives us a lot of love and I love it very much because it is like family and I would never be separated from it.
    Pablo Vázquez García 4°C

  37. Nowadays many people have pets at home or would like to have them. This gives us to see that having a pet has many more advantages than disadvantages. In my opinion, animals help us to improve in many aspects of our lives.

    Having pets at home can be a great financial expense for families.
    Another problem may be the problems with neighbors as they do not want to hear any animal noise. A health problem could be allergies and we could not live with animals.We must also bear in mind that a pet takes time away from us since we have to dedicate our necessary time of care.Currently pets are not problems for children but we have to be careful with certain breeds of dogs.

    But above all, pets are man's best friends, like dogs. Pets bring us company and keep us away from feelings of loneliness. The animals that we have at home protect our home at the same time that they protect us. Having a pet means that you have to adapt to theirs needs so we learn to have patience. Animals always bring welfare to people even when we are wrong.

    I have always thought and I will think that having a pet gives us a lot of benefits and we are always grateful for everything we do for it. I have a pet and it gives me everything I said before.


  38. Eva García López 4ºC

    Nowdays, a lot of families live with a pet. Now, I’m going to talk about my dogs and some advantages and disadvantages that you can have if you get a pet. I have two dogs, their names are Oso and Pinto and they are eight years old. They are very playful and affectionate. I love them so mucho because they have been with me since I was a little child.

    To have pet have some disadvantages because you have to take care him all the time, and this is the reason why some people don’t want to have a pet. It’s true that you have to spend some time in him even when you think that you haven’t got time. To have a pet supposes a responsability, you have to feed him, walk the dog… So before you get a pet, you should stay sure you can give him the attention that he needs.

    On the other hand, have a pet has a lot of advantages. From my point of view, to have a pet has much more advantages than disadvantages. When you have a pet, you feel that he is part of your family. When you feel bad, there’s nothing like spending time with your pet, he helps you to cheer up. You can play with him and you will always be accompained. He loves you so much and you feel it. He becomes a real friend.

    In conclusion, to get a pet is a thing that changes your life and you really enjoy with that. You will never feel alone. Although to have a pet have some disadvantages, this is worth it and it’s the best thing that can you do.

  39. Nowadays having pets is a very normal thing. I love that people who adopt instead of buying, since there are many animals that have no home. I think we should all give a home to an abandoned animal.

    There are some disadvantages because a pet must be cared for and fed every day. For example, in my case I have a horse, you have to feed him every day and every Tuesday and Thursday a professional mounts it, and I have to take it on weekends. It is a little tired and expensive.

    But at the same time it has many advantages. It is very rewarding when you go every day and it is waiting for you. It also helps you a lot even if it does not seem like it. I personally would not change my horse for anything since I've been riding since I was 3 years old and they bought my first horse and I do not regret it.

    In summary, it is very nice since many people with disabilities help a lot to have a pet. I like it a lot and I will continue to enjoy so many animals because I love them.

    R.Mercedes García Rguez 4ºE

  40. Some years ago I hate the idea of having a pet because I've never got along with animals, but all my ideas changed when my father decided to have a dog .If you are planing having a pet you need to know that it is a big responsability.

    Talking about disadvantages most pets when they are small need to be vaccinated and it cost a lot of money. Also, they need your atention and if you are for example a studient it is a problem because you haven,t got the necessary time. Hygiene is another problem, since your house may have a bad smell or be dirty.

    In the other hand, most of these problems have a easy solution. A pet can contribute to your life company, love and much more. Your pet will be another member of your family and if you live alone or with few people this would be very good. Sometimes they are recommended by doctors for people with psychological problems because they help a lot.

    In conclusion having a pet is one of the best experience that you will have in life, they are going to be your friends for the rest of this. But, as i said before, it is a important decision and if you are not sure, do not have it because later you will have consequences.
    Irene Garcia

  41. Un general most of the pro pie trino that have a Pet have got a lot of disadvantages,it's true but o think that have more advantages and i am going yo tell to yo u.

    There a lot of disadvantages like; you have to carry them and you have to clean their things, Also he have to e at special food and you have to go out with he all days 1 minimiun.

    Have a pet have a lot of advantages like you have company When you are or you can play with he or win a girl with him.

    In conclusión o think that have a pet is a very good idea.
    I think that the dog is one of the best pet

  42. My pets is a dog.She is a grocer and his name is Viva.She is very nervous and she loves jump and run.Now i am going to say the advantages and the disadvantages of my pets.

    For me the disadvantages of my pets are:
    You have an enormous responsability and you always have to give her food, take the dog for walk...And when i don´t have much free time it is a big problem.
    Another disadvantage is that you have to pick up the poop, and for me this is the worst disadvantage becouse i hate it.
    For me this are the to main problems that i have with a pets.

    One adavantage about my pet is that is love sport and always i found a partner to do some sport like running...
    Also take she for a walk is a perfect excuse for stop to study and have a good break.
    And when i am boring i have a partner wich i can play.

    I recomend you to have a pet becouse you have a partner for all your life but you have to be responsable with it and takecare of it.

    Fernando marin reyes 4ºc

  43. Sergio García Medina 4°C

    Hello, my pet is a dog and his breed is a tan chihuahua with big ears and a small body

    One of its advantages is that being so little is very easy to transport and also his stools are very small that is a great help haha ​​his name is Luzi, also the people who see him like him a lot since he is very young and they can fuck him easily and caress him

    Its disadvantages are that it is very angry and when someone comes to my house that does not know how to bark and if you touch it before it smells it can bite it is very uncouth but when it smells it is already very affectionate. Another of its disadvantages is that as it is very small all the dogs bark at him and he is scared haha

    In conclusion even though my pet has some disadvantages I love it very much and it makes me happy when I'm sad or down because I want to play

  44. Good night Miguel, I believe that pets are good companies if you feel lonely, because you can talk to a dog and make gestures with your face and voice as if you were mentally retarded.

    Having pets has several disadvantages because when they are young, veterinarians give you a stab with microchips, vaccines, deworming products, etc.
    You have to spend time to teach him to do his needs outside the home and heat up the back of the bug so that furniture and other things do not break. You also have to feed and peel in summer.

    The advantages are that if you like to have a dog walking around your house that taste satisfies you. Also if you are bored you teach him to give the leg to not feel alone.

    In conclusion, having a pet is not worth anything, but over time you take care of it.
    I love you KEKO a little

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  48. I have a dog that is black, it has small size and is a lot of fun, its name is dover.
    Most of people think that having a pet is very funny but it is not only having fun with it, you have to bear in mind that when you have a pet you have to assume responsibilities, like to feed , cleaning it and its place, going out with it, and this matters mean time that you have to spend with your pet. By other side you have to spend money in it , in vaccinations, vet, food, toys etc.
    There are some disadvantages.
    On the other hand it have many advantages like with your pet you will never fell alone, when you walk into your house your pet always will be happy and can help you to do exercise for example go running.

    In conclusion: to have pets is good for yourself and too for your love pet, that would be really happy with you.

    Olalla Munerol Trescastro 4ºE

  49. I have a dog.His name is Bicco. It´s a bigger and It is a 28 years old .Bicco was a present of chistmas.It lives at my aunt´s house because It can be more relax and happy Bicco is considered one more of the family.There are people who love pets and peolpe that hates them.

    Have pets have disvantages and advantage:

    The disvantages of have pets are
    If you do not educate your pet well, your pet has a bad behaviour.
    When you are traveling you have to leave in good hands.
    There are places where can not enter pets.
    If you have a dog you have to take It out to walk everyday.

    The advantages of have pets are many,some are:
    If you live alone The pet makes you a lot of company
    When you leave your house your dog watches over her.
    If you are bored your pet can entertain you, such as playing with him.

    To sump up I think that have pets is very good for you life because They can improve your life .I recommend that everyone have pets(cat,dog) and I am sure they would feel better.


  50. Pets became an important part of our daily lives but it takes a lot of responsabilities.

    I have two pets, a cat and a dog. My dog is the one who had lived longer with me and he's such as a brother for me. This summer my cat is 1 year old so I'm like his mother.

    As I just said, it takes lots of responsabilities, my dog is the greatest and kindest dog that you can never ever seen in all your live. But, when he was younger I don know why he just to open our bin and start eating the trush we lived there. Also, when he was 2 years he used to eat the TV remotes. Dogs need their exercise routine so you need to take them for a walk 2 or 3 times a day. Never forget to brush them and even if you brush them everyday they will continue leting lot of hair around your house.

    Some of them like labradors are allergic to meat so you have to search for specific meal for them.
    But don't think that adopting a cat is easier. Nowadays my cat is 1 year old and he is always trying to catch insects or birds, also when he wants to play sometimes he hurts you because cats love biting.
    When you're not looking he tries to get out of the window and jump to the roof but he's little enough to be afraid of the highs so we have to take him.

    There aren't just disadvantages, you create a memorable bond between your pets, you turn yourself into a empathy person and you fall in love when your pet look at you with that eyes, or it fall asleep next to you.
    Maybe they are not perfect, but no human can compare the unconditional love they give to you.
    You are like a hero seen from the bottom so never abandoned yours.

    Lucía Salgado Iglesias 4°E

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  52. I think that all of us at one time in our lives wanted to have a pet at home, either when we were little or when we were a little older. But not everyone when choosing if having a pet at home also takes into account the disadvantages of having a pet. Do you think that they offset the advantages in the face of the disadvantages of this issue?

    Having a pet implies being responsible to it throughout its life, since it is a living being and needs attention so it occupies a lot of a person's time, it is also a concern when going somewhere or going on vacation because you want to leave the animal alone at home. We can also count as a disadvantage the space that this animal occupies in your home either with toys, cages, boxes ... and the hairs and dirt that come off since you have to be attentive and sacrile to walk or clean their habitat. And to end the disadvantages I think it is also the one that not everyone likes animals, so it could be a problem when it comes to bringing home visit.

    On the other hand, also having a pet has many advantages such as, for example, keeps the person who cares for her active, opens your mind, makes you have more empathy, helps to relate with people who have pets, they are a great company, they give love and they have fun ...

    I believe that the advantages that having a pet has are more relevant than the disadvantages for what I think it compensates. That if, only if you have it well taken care of and you have the necessary time to dedicate it.


  53. Pets are animals that you consider like a person in yours families. Nowadays, many people have one o more pets, this people think that pets only have advantages but also have disadvantages.

    Now I am going to tell you some disadvantages, for example, if you have a pet you have to fet and it cost so much money, because you have to buy a especial food , also the pets have to take a walk, its take time of yours life.

    But not all are disadvantages, pets have a lot of advantages, for example, if you live alone, a pet can still be good like accompany you. Also if you are sad a pet can do that you get back your smile.

    In conclusion, pets are good for yours lifes if you dedicate time to educate, moreover I recommend you to buy a pet to feel the significate of have a animal.


  54. Now, I will be considering the advantages and disadvantages of owning pets. Firstly, people usually forget that a pet is an animal you are in charge of, meaning that you have to take care of it just as it is done with children: by spending time with it or taking it to the vet and also by playing with it to have fun together.

    Nevertheless, one of the most important skills you’d have to own is commitment towards your cat, your dog, your bunny or whichever your pet is because you have to fed it and pick up its “wastes”. Apart from that, you also have to fix any mess they might cause (like some scratched curtains or a sofa full of fur). Moreover, when your pet is feeling a bit bored you have to entertain it or it will make you like, for example, by getting in your way.

    On the other hand, to own a pet does not only have drawbacks even though a lot of people believe there is no good in having an animal at home. It has been demonstrated that a pet owner has got a higher probability to be happy, to have more sleeping and to catch fewer illnesses. In addition, when in a family there’s an only child it makes her or his life more enjoyable at home because it keeps that little boy or girl entertained. Besides, it is well known that animals improve your life for your best.

    In conclusion, if you have a pet you’ll have no worries about getting bored at all. Furthermore, having your life shared with a pet is one of the highlights of being human. So I decidedly recommend adopting a pet.



    Many people have pets, they are our partners and We love them. But having a pet hasn't got always good things.

    I have a cat called Martín since 2013, I love him too much because I shared a lot of years with him.
    Last April I picked up a cat that a family of olivares found near their house. My mum called her Chula because she believes the queen of the house and We have to do all that she wants, included Martín.

    The disadvantages of having pets for most people is that their vaccines, Sterilization... Are too expensive.
    Other disadvantage is that probably, if you have more than one pet, they will fight... My cats were fighting during two months but now they are more relaxed and only play between them, but sometimes they are playing very hard.
    They escape sometimes and you are worried of them
    My cat Martin for example wants to leave everyday and sometimes when he leave, he come back with a cut.
    We often hate him because He meow too loud and he wakes us up.

    The advantages of having pets is that you feel comfortable with him. And that you have a partner and play with him.

    In conclusion, if you really love animals and you don't worry about the disadvantages and you want to have a partner, you need to have a pet.

  56. Sometime pets are enough valorated and I think that it is a big problem because animals can give you so much love... In my opinion they are so important in the lifes of the ones who have one of them as a pet.

    As animals, they need some special cares, they need to be feeded everyday, going for a walk.. Having a pet is also a responsability. They need to receive a good education for not being conflictives when they grow up.

    It also have advantages, for example They make sure you’re never lonely
    If you live by yourself, or your partner works different shift patterns to you, it can get awfully lonely at home – unless you have a pet, of course! Cats and dogs make great companions – they’ll always be waiting for you to come home and they’ll be happy to lend an ear should you want to moan about the awful day you’ve had. Plus, most of the time, they’re up for a snuggle on the sofa.

    In conclusion having pets is positive.

  57. Many people in the world have pets, they are like our partners and we love them. Mi pet's name is Tobby and he is a white and beautiful dog and I wouldn't live without him.

    I understand that some people don't like pets because they require a lot of care and health. Also you have to go out outside with him almost all day and yoo waste some time. Also because some dogs can be dangerous and they can bite you.

    But, I think also that they have more advantages that drawbacks. Pets can help people with some kind of disability. Also you can have a good time with him when you are bored. With the pets you can get more responsability for a future when you will have a son.

    In conclusion, pets have a lot of benefits for your life and some people only look at the drawbacks of them. But I love pets and I will have a pet during all my life.

    Adrián Herrera Sanz 4°C

  58. Hi teacher, i going to talk about pets. Having a pet is a very beneficial thing, because this has lots of advantages in all type of persons.

    Having a pet have some disadvantages. For example you need have time for yours care. Some pets are very outgoing and they need a lot of space and some of them tend to break many things, but you have to be patient.

    Moreover, one of the advantages is that it reduces the feeling of loneliness in old person or in the lonely person. As well as one of the most important advantage is that in lots of cases of illness they help you to feel better and to have more strength to get out of the disease.
    In other cases pets can help you to do physical exercise.

    In my point of view, pets are the best friend of man and they need love and affection. If you have a pet and you don’t givelove to them them don´t be goods animals. But if you treat well them they will be the best thing in the world.

    Mercedes De La Rosa Fernández, 4ºE.

  59. Hi teacher, I am Maria Cotán González, 4º ESO C.
    Many people in the world have got pets in their houses.The animals are one more in the family. Most people stick to dogs, cats, birda, turtles, snakes,....I always loved dogs but my mother has never wanted.
    Having a pet have some disadvantages. In the first place, the pets need a lot of care (veterinary, feed, love,...).
    Moreover, one of the adventages are that your pet is always with you, it accompanies the people that who are alone. Also, the pets help people with mental illness and they improve the behaviour of other people.
    In my opinion, the pets are the best friend of the people. The pets need only love and food, they do not for interest.They love you for who you are.
