miércoles, 18 de abril de 2018

Plans and predictions

What are your plans and intentions for your future?   (BE GOING TO)
Talk about studies and work in the first paragraph , and about  family and house in the second paragraph.

What are your predicitons for your partner's future?  (WILL)
Talk about studies and work in the third paragraph , and about  family and house in the fourth paragraph.

53 comentarios:

  1. I am going to study a middle grade and a superior grade of electromechanical. When I finish studying I am going to work in the garage with my dad and after few years I am going to set up my own garage. I hope everything goes well.

    I am going to get married with a woman and I am going to have at least 2 childrens, what I really like is to have 3 children but it not depend only on me. I am going to live in Olivares, or Albaida as far away. I don't like to live in cities, I prefer villages.

    My partner Eulogio will finish his studies and he will be a bilingual phisical education teacher, he really love english and he is really good in english, he looks like a native boy!

    Eulogio will live in Seville, next to the fraternity of "Los Negritos", it is his favourite. He won't have married due to he is a really bad persons with girls, he will be alone with two dogs, a cat and a parrot.

    Miguel Ángel Carmona Parra 4ºE


    In the future I'm going to live in a flat in Madrid or Barcelona. I'm going to work like a waiter in ab cocktail bar. I'm going to finish the 'E.S.O' and problaby doing baccalaureate in Madrid.

    I do not think I'll have children ever. I'll never be married.


    In the future, Olalla will be going to live in New York. Olalla is going to do a Master's degree in gastronomy.

    She's going to get married with a millionaire and she's going to have 2 children. She's going to live in a mansion in New York.


    It is my projects of future to have a good work though it is very difficult to be what I like that he is an engineer of telecommunication is what mas I like and as secondary the one that mas I like is a teacher.

    Other one of my projects they are to return to gain again the championship of Spain in colombicultura and to have a good race of pigeons. Also one of my favorites prediciones serious to have a son and a daughter and to have a woman whom it loves and realy on much in her.


    My prediciones on my friend Jesus on his work I believe that sera physical teacher and professionally in his hobbie sera a professional cyclist if it continues in it.

    My prediciones in the love and family on my friend it is that he was not marrying but tendra a son and estara very in love his wife is going to be a cyclist and his hobbie was spending it to his son also and iran together to mounting in bicycle

  4. Felipe de la Carrera

    In the future I would like to go to another country to study there. I'm going to go to EEUU and study in an university and then Work in a big international company.

    I will continue in EEUU I think and I will try to have a family there. I will come back to spain see my parents twice a year and also I'm going to have a great house in EEUU and a little flat in the center of seville.

    Jose Carlos herrera

    He's going to have great live, He is a responsible person and he has a lot of studies. I think he's going to work at a great company earning a lot of money.

    Jose Carlos is a great person so He will have a great wife and a lot of children. He's going to have a great house with a pool and he will have a great and happy life.

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  6. When I spend a few years I will be studying in a country that is not Spain, I will be in a country that is totally different from Spanish and I would like to travel with my friends from university or career, and I would like to be working in a clinic teaching children with his mistakes when speaking, because I want to be a speech therapist and work on that; Another option I want is to become a national police

    When I grow up I'm going to live in a town that I like, it can be in salteras or Olivares, I'm going to have a big house, with many rooms, and a dressing room for myself, I'm going to make many dogs, since I want to have a garden where they can live and play, if possible I will become independent and live alone, I want to get married and have children, I want to have 3, two daughter and a child, I do not have the names in mind, I also want to have a house on the beach, I would like to be in Chipiona and spend the summers there, and for me this would be a perfect life

    Now it's time to tell you the future that I think my friend David Fuentes is going to have, in the studies he will go wrong, because he does not study or strive in studies, he will not find work that he likes because he will not be prepared and You will have to try harder if you want to be a physical education teacher

    until he finds the person with whom he is going to get married and start a family, they will put a lot of horns on him, he will get married with a blonde, short and with glasses, with green eyes, will live in beds for rent, will to have 5 children and is going to be ruined and will have to move to another cheaper place, or live with his sister or his wife's family, alfinal will be separated from his wife because they will fight a lot and will never see more to his children, as he will not want to live like that he will throw himself into the streets of ytren and he will die. and end of his life


  7. José Carlos Herrera

    My future plan is to study abroad, probably in England. At the moment, the university degree that I would like to study is a doble degree about criminology and psycology. When I had the certificate, I will work in the police working in laboratories. My salary will be about 3000 euros.

    About my family, I will get married in El Rocio's hermitage, and i will have 2 children, they will be twins, a boy and a girl and they will be named Martin and Alicia. We will live happily in England, although I don't know the city yet, and we will come to Spain twice a month, two weekends per month. My wife will be scientist and she will have a very good reputation. She will be English. We will be really in love. Our house will be very big, we will have a pool and a great garden for the children to play.

    Felipe de la Carrera

    I think he will be a very good tennis player, but he will work abroad too, because he want to study there. Probably he will earn a lot of money and he will pay my trips when I go to visit him.

    I think he won't get married in a church because he is not a very religious person. His wife will be from USA, and their children will learn English and Spanish at the same time. They will have lots of children, about four or five and all will be boys, no girls in his family except his wife. They will have problems thinking the names of all his son. Finally, they will buy a very big house in California.

    José Carlos Herrera 4ºC

  8. my future dream of being a professional cyclist but if you can not get there the alternative would be to study something of physical education teacher or something that does not wear much physically.

    As for the family I would like to have a family with my wife and two children in a mansion hahahaha and be rich since we are.

    the future of my friend Sergio I see him selling drugs in a big way and being one of the most powerful drug dealers in the area, he will have a mansion full of whores and he will have a Panamanian porshe ... yeeah

    will be imprisoned for drug trafficking at age 45, will be the new Pablo Escobar in Spanish version, his family will be alone with all the wealth of the one who has hidden in a paradise island.


  9. In the future I am going to study a career on sports with which I will be a physical education teacher at school or, if not, a physical trainer or something like that. I would like to work in my town, Albaida del Aljarafe to be close to my family.

    I'm going to get married and I'll have two children, a boy I'll call Ivan and a girl I'll call Elena. I will live in my town or in one near him. We will live in a house with a swimming pool and a giant patio where we will put a basketball court for my son to play and become a professional.

    My colleague José María will do baccalaureate but will not do great things in life. With the luck he has, he will play the lottery and thanks to that money a master will be paid and after 3 or 4 attempts the race will be drawn.

    He will have 3 children with a beautiful woman who will only be with him for the money. All the money will be spent on alcohol and in casinos, so you will lose everything. His wife will leave him and fall into a terrible depression. He will lose his job and his wife will keep the house, the car and the children. It will end by committing suicide.


  10. When I am a few years older I would like to finish my bachelor's degree and study something related to mechanics or electricity because I like both areas. If I find a job related to what I study and they pay me very well I would be very happy.

    I don't care about getting married but if I did this I would not care. What I would really like would be to start a family but if I do not do it I will have to live my life. I will live in a big house and I do not care where the house is since I do not care. With my salary I would have a great car and that will make me happier than everything else since I love cars.

    My friend Jose Maria will not be so good, this guy will surely not have a job and will not study, but he will surely be NARCO in Cadiz. You will earn a good salary of 4000 euros per month.

    It will not go very well with your family as surely when you have children your wife leaves and takes all the money. He will not give up and sell a lot of drugs, but as the blanket breaks the sack, the police will take it and end up in jail, but in the meantime it will be all day long.
    Juan Cruz López Herrera 4ºC

  11. Álvaro Ramos Torres

    My future plan i terms of studies, is to make a engineer career, specialy informatic engineer. I am going to do bachillerato in the highschool of Olivares. When i finish it i am going to go to the university of Seville and make a career on it. I like this career because when i was young i loved play with the computer so i decided to be a informatic engineer.

    In terms on family, i want to marry with a beautiful woman. I would like to have one child. I prefered a boy but is to see. Also i would like to live in Olivares because i know lot of people and because i very close to the others towns and also to Seville so it is very good.

    Jose Carlos Herrera

    In terms of studies, he will have a very good job because he is very clever. Probably he will study something related with chemestry because he really like it. Also he is very good at english so probably he will go out of spain to study.

    In terms of family, he would like to have some children. He will live in El Rocío because he love to go to the party. So probably he will buy a very good house near the hermitage.

    Álvaro Ramos Torres 4ºC

  12. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  13. Rocio Rivera23 de abril de 2018, 10:27
    My future plans are, finish the ESO and then, i will do baccalaureate. When i finish this, i am going to go to university and to study a degree of psycology.

    When i finish my degree,i am going to get married and i will have two or three childrens. I will live in a house in Olivares because i´ve lived there all my life and i known a lot of people here.

    My friend Lucas is going to do baccalaureate and then, he will go to the university to study a degree of interpretation and translation. When he finish their studies, he will be a famous boy because of his talent.

    Lucas didn´t want to get married, but i think, that he will get married and he is going to have one or two childrens. He is going to be very happy.

    Rocío Rivera 4ºE



    Therefore, if you are in the future I want to, the first thing is to get the word after doing the baccalaureate and when I finish high school I'm going to take a year off to study the oppositions and at that time I will get my car card and then When I have already studied I will go to college to be a teacher of physical education and when I finish studying I will become independent and I will form a family and I will join a course to learn how to cook.


    The plans of marta are to finish that although it will cost a lot because it is very weak and does not study or make an effort, when it ends it will be a medium grade because it does not have a high school level and then it will stay on the street because she's not going to get anything and she's going to have to sleep at the bank door, her family is not going to help her and she's going to get sick, she's not going to be able to start a family because she has nothing and she's very ugly and In the end you will end up dying from the disease and from the bad life you will have.


    Hello Everybodyy!!

    To start with, I’m going to study Bach. Of humanities. I’m going to study it because in my plans, appear the idea of study the Translation and Interpretation of English, as the first language, and the second language. Nowadais, I’m studying 4 of Eso and also, I’m preparing the B1 test of English and French. In terms of job, I want to work in something related to the Interpretation and something related to going abroad and talking and meeting new people. Also, I’m going to prepared another new language, because I love all of them!!

    In terms of house and family, I want to live in a small house, because, in this moment, I don’t want to create a family. I think that in the future, I will be travelling around the world and looking for a job out of my country. My house will be simple and a bit beautiful. I want to live in a village. Probably, in the future this plans will change.

    Bea is going to study Bach. Of Humanities because she hates maths, as myself. In my opinion, she will study something related to the education, specially for children. She will study hard to become a children`s teacher. I think that she will prepared also the B1 test because she will need it to get the career.

    According to the family and house, I think that Bea won’t create a family and her house will be small and beautiful. In general, anyone now think in create a family. Her house will be more beautiful than mine. Probably, she will keep herself living in a village.

  16. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  17. This year I will finish compulsory secondary education (ESO). next year I will start the baccalaureate of humanities, and I will get into a higher degree of journalism. although I am observing different options such as the legal profession. I do not have my future job yet but I would like to work as a lawyer.

    I believe that in the future I will continue living in Seville but not in olive groves. I will be aunt, I will be married or in a relationship and I will not have children.

    My partner Luna will study law and work in this profession. although she has thought about other options such as hairdresser or English teacher since it is a language that she is passionate about.

    My partner Luna will live in Sevilla, in her apartment. You will have a couple but you will not have children. Adopt three dogs and two cats since he loves animals.

    Angela Fraile de la Carrera 4ºC.

  18. Angélica Díaz
    In the future Iam going to finish my studies. First, I am going to end the ESO and Bachillerato and then I am going to go to University. When I finish it , I am going to work in the best school of Spain as a teacher and I will know important people. Moreover, I am going to give particular classes in the afternoon for people who need help in their studies. Also, in my free time, I'm going to give concerts and win a lot of money.

    I am going to marry with a famous actor and I am going to have two children , a girl and a boy and we are going to live in a beautiful and expensive palace. Also, we are going to travel around the world to know the culture of other countries. Furthermore, I am going to attend famous and importants events with my husband. Finally when I will be 80 years old I will move to the beach to rest.

    Eva García
    My partner Eva will study in one of the best Universities in the world. She will be the boss of her own company and she will be a rich woman because she will win a lot of money. Also, she will travel around the world because she will learn all the languages that exist.

    About her family, she won't marry anyone but she will have a rich boyfriend. Moreover, she won't have children. She will live in a luxurious house with her boyfriend and some friends. Also she will go to many parties and important meetings. When she will be older, she will win the lottery and give the money to people who need help.

    Angélica Díaz López 4ºC

  19. First of all, I would like to finish ESO and then do the baccalaureate.
    I would like to do a law degree or a civil service exam because it is one of the things that I have always loved.

    Also, I want to have a big house, in the countryside, to be able to enjoy the summer.
    I would love to travel a lot to know different customs and empathize with different cultures.
    Since I was little, I thought about wanting to have a boy and a girl and that I have quite clear, but I would also like to adopt a child who needs a family to help.

    My classmate when ESO finishes, wants to do the baccalaureate since she would like to study the teaching career. She loves children, so she would like to be able to work with those children teaching them.

    She wants to live in a big house outside of here, since she has always wanted to leave here to learn new things. He would love to have two or more children and be able to enjoy them.


  20. Well in the future I will finish the compulsory secondary education, I will begin the baccalaureate and I will do a double degree, one of finance and another of administration and management of companies. When I finish all the studies I will be working in a company.

    I believe that I will live in Madrid, sere tia, I will be married or in a relationship, I will have two children and a cat whose name is Roberto.

    My colleague Angela will study law and work in a law firm, although she has thought about other careers that have a much more profitable professional outing. we will study at the same university.

    I believe that my partner in the future will be married or in a relationship, adopt a dog which will be called Odulio, live in the capital of Seville and will not have children since he does not like.

    Rocio Fraile de la Carrera 4º C.

  21. I will take out the ESO and then I will continue studying to get the Bachillerato. Before taking my Bachillerato, I would like to take the B1 out of English. Later I would like to do computer engineering. In the future I would like to work in the GOOGLE Company.

    In the future I would like to start a family and have two children and be able to travel to many places with them. I would like to buy a house in Olivares since it is the town where I have lived all my life and live there with my family.

    My friend José María will finish ESO and then study a Bachillerato. I think he will have problems when he gets his Baccalaureate since he takes drugs every day. I believe that in the future he will make living selling drugs in Albaida.

    I think that he will live all his life in his parents' house and that he will not form a family. I think he will die young because of drugs and his death will be long and painful.


  22. In the future I would like to do the baccalaureate and then enter the academy of the Civil Guard. Where I want to graduate and go to promote position and go destined for Spain.

    This place I would like to have a spacious and large house, to be able to have a woman and have children. Although I would not mind staying in Seville.

    Juan de la Cruz
    He will have a good grade in high school and in college where he will study a great career and get a great job with a lot of money.

    Juan de la Cruz is a very good person, so, meet a perfect woman for him with whom to have many children and live in a great house.

    Óscar Gómez Bascón 4ºC

  23. Mercedes García
    I want to study Telecommunications Engineering in the future because I've liked it since I was a little kid. I am going to go to the University of Seville. My intention is to work in Norway because a friend and I always talk about this. I would like to work in an office.

    Regarding my family, I am going to have 3 boys. Their names are going to be Martín, Rodrigo and Juan. I want to live in Norway because it's my dream and I am going to have a big flat in the city center of Oslo. Furthermore, I am going to live with 2 dogs, a Yorkshire and a German Shepherd.

    Mercedes De La Rosa
    Personally, I think that she will study English Philology at the University of Seville because she loves the language and she speaks it very well. When she finishes her degree she will work at L’Institut Marangoni.

    She will have a husband and four children (two boys and two girls). They will live in Paris, France. Her house will be very big and it will have a yard at the front. I am sure that she is going to be very happy and successful!

  24. My future plans, when I finish the ESO, is take the Bachillerato in the same school I am now and then study the infant education career. Once I finish my career, I would like to do a private veterinary course, because it is my passion since I was a child and why I love animals. I would not be able to study the science Bachillerato and because of that fear I will never be able to study the career that I like.

    About my family and the house that I would like to have, I want to get married in San Gonzalo`church and I want to have two children. In my house, I have clear that I want to fill it with all kinds of animals and I want an enormous garden in which I enjoy with my family. What I want in my future, is to be happy with everything I have, and above all to enjoy every moment that life gives to me.


    She wants to do the Bachillerato and then she would like to do the primary education career. When she finishes her career she will work in a school and and she will be very happy since she will work on what she really likes.

    About her family, Celia doesn´t want to get married, she just wants to adopt a black boy. In fact I think that people who say they never get married are the first ones to do it. She will live in Albaida del Aljarafe in a house with a enormous garden where she could enjoy a pool and since she says she will not have a husband, she will enjoy her house with the rest of her family and friends.

    We will see how is our future!

    Ángela González Méndez 4E.

  25. I think that in the future i'm going to study law and I'm going to be a lawyer. Because i like this job and it's so interesting. If I don't like law I would study journalism. But I am not going to study something of science because I'm really bad with this.

    In my family I don't want children and I really like have cats or dogs in my house. I'm going to live in Madrid and I will live in a house in Callao. When I will get so much money I will travel for all cities and I'm going to live in Australia because I love this city.

    I think that my friend Rocio is going to study economy because she likes maths and economy and is so good. She is going to work in a company and she will get so much money.

    In her family she is going to have two children and she will have cats in her house. She is going to live in Madrid and when she will get so much money she will go to travel to Germany and she will live there because she loves this city and German.

    Luna Espinosa Sampedro 4°C

  26. In the future I am going to study something that I like, the truth is that I am not going to study yet. I like English philology but I do not have anything sure. I would like to be part of my studies away from here in London for example. And when I have finished my studies I would like to work in Seville. As for my family I would like to have two children at the most, a boy and a girl. I would like to marry someone and I have a very big house.

    My friend Mercedes, I think she wants to study something with economics. I think she wants to study in Seville, but she wants to work in Norway. As for the family, she wants to have three children, all boys. She would also like to have some pets and live in Norway on a flat in the center of some city.

    Mercedes de la Rosa Fernández, 4ºE.

  27. In the future I'm going to study a degree in economy or administration and bussiness management, in a foreign country as Germany, Great Britain or USA, because I will have more options to get professional exit. I will have be working in the management of big companies.

    Reference to my personal life, I think that due to my work I will travel around the world a lot and I won't have so many children, but this is not a problem for me, because I don't like children so much and if I have children, I won't have before 30 years old.

    Sofia's future
    In my point of view Sofia will study a degree in idioms like english, french or germany, because she loves languages. She will work as translator or teacher.

    In relation with her personal life I think that she will be a lovely mum in the future because she is patient and considerate and she will live in a city like Salamanca or Madrid.


  28. In the future I am going to do secondary school because I am going to go to the university. I would like to study teaching becuase I like very much the children and to teach them and also take care of them.

    I am going to marry with a man and I am going to have two children. I am going to live in Seville because in my opinión the city has a good environment and there are many shops and restaurants.

    My friend Cristina will study something referred to the medicine. I think she will study pharmacy because she like the study of the human body and the diseases that produce in it.

    About her family and house, She will go to live to Seville and there she will marry with a men. She will have two children.


  29. I'm going to study a half degree and higher degree of the computer when you are finished I will go with some friends working as an apprentice to get experience in the industry and create a company.
    I m going try to marry a beautiful woman of course and ready to be the mother of my children who live in a mansion with a lot of money in Madrid.

    In the future, Paco Javier can fulfill their dreams of becoming a drug trafficker, although for all kidding, will work with friends and win lots of money.

    Paco Javier will live in Miami in a luxury mansion with his spouse, Yolanda and her three daughters the Pili Jenn and choni, be happy and eat partridges.


    I don’t really have all my live planned but, if I could choose what is going to happen, I’d want to have finished high school with high marks to do a “Translation and Interpreting” degree in a University which would let me do an exchange program for a few months to an English speaking country. Then, when I’d finished college, I’m going to find a job as a Spanish teacher in an English, American or Australian high school. If I couldn’t achieve that, then I am going to work as a translator for important companies or even the UN because I would have the chance to travel to different countries, which I would love to.

    About my family, I’m still going to keep in touch with them even though I’m not going to see all of them that often. But I don’t want to be alone in those trips, so I hope I’m going to spend them with my significant other and I don’t really care if we’ll be married or not. One thing for sure is that we are going to have two pets at least: a dog and a cat, which I’m going to name after my impending favourite book characters for sure, but I’ll choose them depending on their personality and looks, of course. My dream and future house isn’t going to be a big one because I don’t want to be apart from my loved one, pets or any of our guests. Anyways, this home of mine is going to be pretty cosy and decorated with raw white, a bit of golden, sky blue and light pink on the walls and ornaments and it’s going to have parquet flooring. Apart from that, I don’t ask for much more, except for an absolutely must-have, which is my own little library for all my current and coming books with a comfy couch under the window.


    I think that my partner, Marta, after leaving school with really good marks, she will study a related-to-economy degree because she is really interested in it, besides, it’s her current favourite subject. Even though she doesn’t admit it, she will study as hard as she can to success in any field associated to it. In my opinion, she will have a really influential job in the future. But, since she’ll travel so much around the world, she’d had to adjust her timetable to the trips she’ll be planning to do.

    Nevertheless, she will probably have a significant other but that doesn’t mean she’ll be forcibly married or have children (which I happen to know she doesn’t want to have). But what I do think she’ll have is a medium-size house full of the paintings she will create in her free time and blue decorations. I’m completely sure she will have a very aesthetically decorated bedroom with little Polaroid pictures spread on ropes across the walls and a big and comfy bed in front of her desk with all her paperwork and her dear laptop.


  31. In the future Iam going to finish my studies. First, I am going to end the ESO and Bachillerato and then I am going to go to University but im not sure what job Im going to choose.

    Im going to marry with my brazilian girlfriend because she is crazy like me and I like that so much. We are going to leave in Antartida with penguins in our house. Furthermore, we are going to build a giant campfire to melt the north pole.

    My classmate will study in one of the best Universities in the world. He will be the boss of her own company and he will be a rich man because he will conquer the world.

    He won´t marry anyone because is dangerous for that person and he will be wanted by the police. He will live in the middle of the Earth with lots of gold ingots and diamonds and controlling all the World.


  32. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.


    My future plans is when I end bachiller I will study for do teacher of children because I love the children. When I will finish I will go work in a children school and I will be very happy because I will do what I like and I will have a very good salary.

    About my family, I won't married ever and I will adopt one or two childrens depends on the situation. I will live in a very big house in Albaida for staying with my family and friends but I will also do a lot of traveling with my children for visiting lots of places, I will have a lot of money in the future.


    The future of my friend Angela,when she will end bachiller she will study infantil education and when end this she would study a veterinary course because the animals are her passion. And then she will work in a school and in summer in a veterinarian and she will be very happy about it.

    About her family, she will married with a very good person and she will have two children one boy and one girl and she will live with her family in a house near of San Gonzalo in Triana and other in the beach and she will be very happy and she will have much money.


  34. My future plan is to study marketing. I am going to do bachelor at the high school of Olivares; A social bachelor. When I will finish it i am going to go to the University of Seville and make a marketing career. I like this career because i like to get to know how sell services and things to the people.
    About family; i want to marry with an intelligent man, handsome and with sense of the humor. I would like to have one child. Also i would like to live in Seville or Madrid, I don’t know yet.

    Maria Rodriguez Lopez
    In her studies future, she will have a very good job because Maria is very studious. She will study something related whit translation and interpretation or criminology. Also she likes the Languages so probably she will go out of Spain to study.
    About family she wouldn’t like to have children neither marry, because Maria is very independent. She would love living in any city out Spain

    olalla munerol 4ºE

  35. In my future I want to finish high school once I finish it I want to go to university and study a law degree, if it could be I would like to study a double degree in law and criminology, since I like to defend my ideas with fundamentals.

    I suppose that in the future I will have a partner but I do not see it necessary either, but I would like to start a family, and since I was little I have the idea of adopting a Korean girl. I would not like to live in a town because of the kind of society that I would like to live in Germany or Canada, because they are countries that I love.

    My classmate Angela will study something related to law and politics, since she is very interested in politics and to be so young she is very interested in those topics, she also has a very good form of expression.

    About his social future, he says he will never get married, and that he would like to travel a lot, and he does not see himself living in olive groves

  36. I don´t know if my future will be this but i would to be psicology and have my family. I´m going to study bachillerato and then selectividad to study my career. My dream is be the mother of 3-4 childrens and i´m going to live in Seville center. Since I was a child i always like travel so i´m goint to travel a lot with my family when i´ll have a good job. Get marry in a big church is also one of the things that I´m going to do when i have more or less 26 years old.
    I would like to work in an hospital or school when i finish my career and have contact with childrens. Since ever i love languages, so I´m going to try when i´ll travel to practise language everything possible.

    My friend Irene has a lot of dreams, she wants to be a journalist. I´m sure that the best dream of Irene is travel to New York and also go to a concert of Rihanna so she´ll do. Since ever, she wants to have 4 children and have a family and also I think thatt she´ll travel a lot because she loves but I´m sure that Irene will live in Seville because she wasn´t to live abroad, she loves Seville. She´ll get marry in the night with a handsome man that is not too loving. Another thing is that Irene and me , we´ll go a lot of parties and travel together.


  37. Irene Garcia

    In the future I would like to be a journalist. For it I am going to start study bachillerato next year and then I’m going to study during five years the career of journalism and also i would like to make an erasmus during one year of the career. When I get the title i am going to start working.

    In the aspect of family I don’t know if i’m going to get married but i would like. At the age of 30 more or less i’m going to have 3 or 4 childrens. Also i am going to adopt a children of another country. I’ m going to live in the city of Seville not in a village .If my work is good I am going to have another house in the beach.

    Ángela Cotan
    My partner Angela will moved to Madrid when she finish her studies of bachillerato because she will study a double university degree of psychology and children's education. After that she will go back to Seville . Here Angela will start working in a school or in a hospital as a psychologist.

    I’m shure she will be married and it will be in a church. Angela loves children so i think she will have many and one of they will be called Emilio. Her children will study in Claret’s school in Seville. Angela will also live in Seville town near to my house.


  38. Ángela García González, 4ºE

    I am lucky that I am clear about what I´m going to be in my future, speaking about my studies and my future work and professional career, I am going to do the baccalaureate and then enter a double degree in law, accounting and finance, but also I like political science. Once the race is over, I am going to pass the exams to become a judge, and to specialize in cases of gender violence. This is my dream, although from this career I can get more job opportunities as a lawyer, accountant ...

    In matters of my personal life, I am also quite clear about what I want, although later my ideas may change as I do not know with certainty what may happen to me. Currently, I think that in the future I´m not going to have children or marry, although I may have a partner. I´m going to live alone in a small apartment in the center of Seville, Where I can have friends around me, because Seville is a city that I love and I could visit my parents often.


    Now I will talk a little about the future of my friend Irene. She will also finish her baccalaureate studies and then she´ll study the career of journalism. Once finished her career she will go as a correspondent in a foreign city such as Paris or New York, preparing the news for the information to Spain. Another of his purposes in her professional career is to create her own television program in which she´ll interview celebrities.

    With regard to her personal life, she will have two children and marry, apart from her two children she will adopt a Chinese girl and a black boy, because she has always loved children and taking care of them. If she´ll be a correspondent in a city outside of Spain, she will live there with her family.

  39. My future

    In the future I'm going to study bachillerato of Arts in a highschool called 'Escuela de Artes' if they choose me. I want to study there because it has a special timeline and instead going in the mornings I'm going to go in the afternoons. For me that's awesome because I concentrate myself more in the mornings, it's the only time a day that I'm alone at home so there it won't be a sound to distract me.

    After finishing my studies in bachillerato I'm going to study at university the doble degree of audiovisual communication and journalism or maybe graphic designer.

    I want to travel abroad because here journalism is not very good looking. From my point of view, I think that journalism is like a kind of gossip magazines and the goverment makes whatever the want with the articles of big newspaper publish. Some articles are made without knowing nothing and making an exhausted research.

    I'm going to travel a lot because of work, I want to be a photojournalist and travel to take pictures of what's happening in other countries.

    Also, I'm going to work with an animal shelter to take care of abandon animals. But I hope those places won't exist so it will mean that people won't abandon animals anymore and all of them will have a sweet home.

    I'm not going to have children because I don't like kids. I prefer adopting animals until have a son.

    I'm going to live in a little flat and travel maybe because of that I will have just a dog instead of cat, cats needs more freedom and dogs are always next to you and I don't want to loose my cat in a foreing country.

    Airam's future

    Airam is just emulating me because of my flawless live, he will study bachillerato in a highschool called Murillo (all of us know that he will not study there because lots of people want to study in that place).

    Anyway, I think that he's pretty well drawing stuffs like graffiti vector art so I think he will have a brilliant future as an illustration working with comics or something like that.

    He likes animals but he's such a messy and dirty person so, he won't have pets or maybe just a cat.

    Of course, he will have a car driver license because he doesn't like motorbikes.

    He will live in a place where the weather is hot and near beaches such as Canary Islands or California.

    He's such a lazy person so he always will have empty his fridge and he will eat junk food instead of eating healthy food, he doesn't like fruits or vegetables, amazing.

    Anyways, I don't think his future won't be so bad because the art digital world is a job who is causing lot of stir.

    Lucía Salgado Iglesias, 4°E

  40. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  41. ME

    When ended 4º of eso, the following year, I will study a ballicherato of drama arts in Seville or a middle grade of image and sound in Tomares. After this two year I’m going to study higher grade of image and sound. While I’m studying I will be working to pay for another superior grade in dramatic art in Malaga.

    After study in Malaga, I will work in a super production in Madrid with Almodóvar or Bayona and Belén Cuesta or Itziar Castro like protagonist. After I have won my first Goya, I will move to LA and I will live in a farm with two dogs, three cats and one pig. Later I will work in a film with Tom Cruise but my film will be won the worst director and the worst actor in the Golden Raspberry. After get over that fail, I will be the director on a new film (Almodóvar will be one of the producers, cause, he trusts me) and the actors will be: Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks and Jennifer Lawrence. Each one will win another Oscar and this one is going to be my first one. I will be so busy and I won’t get marry and I won’t have any children, only animals.


    When she ended 4º of eso, she will study a bachillerato of arts in Seville. After these two years she will be studying a superior grade in dramatic art in Malaga (with me). While she is studying in Malaga, she has painting some pictures.

    After study four years there, she will move to Broadway with her boyfriend. She will do a lot of castings but any management wants to hit her, but she is going to sell a lot of pictures while she performance in the subway. A very important management will see her singing and hit her to performance in the theatres (in that moment I will be calling her to filming but she doesn’t want it cause the fail of the Cruise’s film). The following 30 years she will win two tony and will have nominated three more. She will get marry, but doesn’t have children.


     I would like to study a career but I don't know yet which one study because I like lots of things, and all these are different. I have clear that I'm going to study a social bachillerato, but that's all I can tell you now. In the following years I would like to start working because I want money to travel, and for my studies.

     I won't have children because I wanna be free without charges in my life, I do not like childs, neither I will be marry. When I'll have 18 years old I'm going to rent a house in Seville, to live alone or with my friends.

     Olalla will study in the Seville's University, she has thought studying marketing because she really love design things ans create new things, she likes too sell things to people. She will work in McDonald's while she will continue studying.

     She will mary with a bussines man, the richest one. She will live in a big house, near to the river and with a big pool. Indeed she has thought to have 5 children because she loves them.


  43. Good evening Miguel! My future plans for my academic life would begin by obtaining the ESO degree, the next course I would like to get the BACHILLER for adults and so I could enter the academy of the Guardia Joven. If all the previous plan was failed, I would focus on drug trafficking as I told you in class.

    Depending on the money and the conservation of my physical shape, I would seek the love of my life or I would have to settle for roadside hotels, but I would like to have my family, with a son, my wife and a pet quail. I would like to live in the urbanization of the Europa school and that my son will study there so that the youth does not trnga that I haveç

    Ilyas Chobani
    Ilyes is an intelligent boy who can go anywhere he wants to study but he is very lazy and that's why he will end up working in the KEBAB, but that's not the end of it, because thanks to his intelligence he will assemble a plot in the KEBAB and he will get control of the KEBABS of Europe and will be a millionaire.

    He will marry seven women and he will have houses all over Spain, he wants to make a big cattle ranch so that the CHOBANI dynasty can move forward
    and will live in a variety of houses

  44. Airam Rodriguez Telmo Future

    Next year I'm going to start studing bachillerato of Arts, I don't know where i'm going to go because the list of the admited students are going to be published in a few months.
    I don't really know what I'm going to work in the future because I like some things such as Graphic Design, Audiovisual Communications and Journalism.
    I like Graphic Design because I like drawing and I need to use computers as well.
    Anybody knows what I'm going to do in the future, probably I will write and draw a comic such as a new DC comic...
    I'm not very convinced about Journalism because I don't really write very well because in a beginning I have the ideas but later I don't know how to write them. This work is too hard because the effort of writing news everyday.
    I like Audiovisual Communications as well because and I would like to work in a radio for example.
    There are a lot of posibilities of studies that I can choose.
    I have some years to thing about this.

    About family, I don't know if I'm going to have childrens because I will expend a lot of money, but I think have a child and take care of him and enjoy all the moments with him could be an amazing experience.

    I don't even know where I'm going to live, my life can change a lot and I could live in the country I never expected before. If I need to choose places in Spain, I will choose Madrid because it could be better for looking a job, Galicia because I love it too much and there is my family, or travelling abroad...this could be the best thing!

    Lucía's Future

    About Lucía's future... I don´t really know what will happen with her life. She can have a successful life doing the things She love and studyng what she wants...or living with no money, in the streets...who knows?
    The thing I know very well is that all the things She will do, she will do them all well because Lucía is a successful person.
    Lucía said to me that She wants to study journalism and next year she will study arts...She is the person who guided me about what to study.

    Probably She will live only with dogs because She love them (I don't want this)

    Well, She wants to live in Great Britain (I think)

    And...I don't know what to say more about her life (Sorry Lucía).

  45. MY FUTURE:

    I am going to finish my school year in june and I am very happy by the end of june I will have finished all my exams.Next year,I am going to start a levels and I would like to go to university .
    Iwould like to be a doctor or a teacher ;It will depend on my mark I love the childrens!

    Possibly ,I will live on the beach (because I love beach).I will live on the beach and will have a big and modern house I will get married and I will have a lot of children.I think that I will have a goodjob and I will earn a lot of money,

    Future of Angelica :

    Angelica will be a beatiful teacher and She will live in Seville with a nice and rich man .She will have five intelligent and nice children and She will be very very happy .She will live up to 120 years and She will be healthy.Angelica will have goood luck!


  46. Eva García López 4ºC


    I am going to finish my studies, the high school. Then, I am going to study a career of psychology or a double degree of psychology and criminology. While I am studying, I?d like work like stewardess. For this reason, I am going to pass an exam that let me to work as stewardess, and I am going to study some languages because they are necessary for that. I am going to study english, french and italian. I am going to be a businesswoman and, one day, I hope I’ll be the boss.

    I’d like travel around the world and visit differents cultures, and for this reason I am not sure where I am going to live, but, at the moment, I want going to live in Argentine because it looks like a beautiful and very interesting place. I don’t think that I will get married but I am going to have an argentinian boyfriend. And when I have about thirty years, I am going to have two chlldren, two girls.


    My friend Angélica will be a famous singer, a sucessfull and important woman. Firstly, she will finish her studies and then she will work for few years as teacher. But then, she will participate in a contest singing. She will win. Then, she will get a lot of fame. She will do a lot of concerts . She will work with Beyonce and sing with her in her music album, even, she will be her best friend. She will sing in a Superbowl with Bruno Mars. And she will represent Spain in Eurovision.

    She will have a very big house, but she will to change very much because she will travel for the world. She will get married with an important actor. She will have three children, two girls, and they will be twins. Both girls willhave her hair, curly and dark.


    My future plans is to study at university in Seville a career of engineer. I think I will study it about three ir four years and a later I will work abroad in a country not very far from here. I are going to have a salary of aproximately 3'500 €.

    About the family, I are going to marry with a woman at the age of thirty years old and I am going to have at least three children: Daniel, Pablo and Lucía. We are going to live in a small town not very far from Olivares. We will have a big house with swimming pool and we are going to be very happy.

    Adrián Herrera Sanz 4°C


    He will study a professional career in the university of Seville and then he will have two options to chose: to work in the career that he had study or to be a professional horse-rider.

    He will marry with a woman in El Rocio and then he will have three children: Marcos, Pedro and Rocío. They will live in Matalascañas in a house with a swimming pool and a big garden for the children to play. They also will be very happy.

    Álvaro Navarro Herrera 4°C

    I still do not know what I am going to study but I would like to be a policeman on horseback and study a career related to economics. I would also like to get my B2 driving license in English.

    About the house, I want a large house with pool and in the same house a few blocks for horses. I would like to have 2 children. My house will be located in olive groves because I like to live here also will have a small garage and a large entrance


    Fernando is going to study a good career I think related to economics or technology. And I think he will have a job very soon. In which he will earn a lot of money.

    You will have a nice big house and you will have 2 or 3 children. He will live out of olive groves and I think he will also be very good riding.

    Álvaro Navarro Herrera 4ºC

  49. I am going to finish my studies then I am going to study a informatic career, because I love all the things that have relationship with technology. I am going to study them a “Master” in informatic security.

    I am going to by a medium house, with a dog and a big swimmingpool. I am going to live in Seville, because is the most beautiful around the world.


    I think that Mateo will study the same than me because he said me that he love also the technology.

    Mateo will be a father with a lot of childrens because it is a tradition is his family and will have a bug house and many cars with travel with his family.


    In the future I'm going to finished secondary school and I'm going to start bachilerato. When I finished Bachillerato, I'm going to work in a very big bussiness near my future house.

    I want a small house in a very small village in Seville. But I want a very big swimming pool in a garden.

    Oscar will study History with me and he will work in a very big oficine with computers with a very big bussiness.

    He will live in Seville in a mansion with an espectacular garden with a lot of pets and with an huge swimming pool.

    Francisco Librero Cid 4ºE

  51. MY FUTURE:
    -IN MY CAREER:When i loook inside my dreams and thogths i imagine me in the future working in something that it makes me happy, a job that i like.Like work in a programme on the radio, of interviewer , work singing , acting or paiting professionaly , like a coach of orientation...or anything relacionated to people , the life of the society and art. I like so mucho to think in work sourrounded a lot of different peole.So I will study everything necessary related to all this in my future.

    -IN MY PERSONAL LIFE:I imagine a life with a lot of emotion , passion , lofe (any kind of love in any form).If in my future music , art in general , my family and my friends are in there I know that it will be a happy life.
    I imagine that while I finish my studies i'm going to live in a appartament with friends or my cousin nuria or whoever in any place far of here. Then ,I'm going to travel for a lot of places , learning idioms and culture of its. The first place will be Nepal , with Yam beacouse it means so much so much to him , and for it also to me.I also think that i'm going to go to a lot of concerts , festivals and musicals.

    -IN HER CAREER:I imagine that she will be a film directorand that she will make a film about our crazy friends and her crazy life with her poor father(because carmen is a mess and her parents do not have guilt and they have to put up with it)That movie will make Carmen's fame come down because they will see her authentic and extravagant personality.I also imagine she travelling with me to hollywood for work doing everything that we want now. See musicals , do musicals together and see the stars in the fame walking.

    -IN HER PERSONAL LIFE:I imagine that she will have boyfiend from the 40 , when she start to think in things like that. Before she will live with a lot of cats(and why i'm alergic i wouldn't go to her house in new york). Them , apart from that , she will do a lot of friends as crazy as she are and she will be happy eating chofrigos with them and us.


  52. My future

    Probably i'm going to finish the bachillerato.Later i'm going to study a carrear of economy.Also atte the same time i'm going to travel for all the world and visit all the countries that i can and learning other cultures.

    After that i'm going to ahearsh job in Sevilla becouse i love this city and their traditions.Then i'm going to buy a House and i'm going to be married and im going to have 2 childrens.

    Alvaro's future.

    He Will study the bachillerato and then he Will go to the scholl of jerez yo learn all about Horses.Becouse he Will be a policeman in horses.

    Also he day that he Will be two flat un triana one in the street san jacinto and the other in the street pureza.He will be married with a top model and he Will have 3 childrens Pablo,Antonio and Álvaro.

    fernando marin reyes 4C

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