miércoles, 28 de febrero de 2018

A day out to remember!

After reading the three reviews of page 72, write three similar reviews ot three great days out with your family, your friends and your classmates.

Include reaporting verbs: he said that , she added that, she complained that, I asked him why...

45 comentarios:



    Last Summer I went to Lisbon with my family for one week and we ate traditional food of Portugal and we stayed in a hotel next to the beach that had a turquoise water and beautiful buildings and hotels next to it. In the beach there was lots of naked people.


    Every year I celebrate my birthday with my friends in my swimming pool and we eat and we take a bath there. Then we make jokes calling other people with our mobile phones. And finally we make very funny challenges with a dangerous punishment for the loser.


    Last term I went with my classmates to Aznalcollar walking, I asked the teachers why we had to go walking thirty kilometers. The truth is that the road to Aznalcollar was funny but it was really hard. Once we arrived to the place we started to assemble our tents. The teachers complained that we were very lazy to assemble our tents so they help us. Finally we slept in the tents and the next day we went by bus back to the institute.


    When I was five years old, my family and me went to Rota, Cádiz. It was amazing, but there were only one problem, it smelled very bad. We were in a beautiful chalet, with swimming pool and there were a big garden too. This day was in summer in 2007. Everything started when my dad said that he want to change the place in holidays and my mother replied him saying the same thing. It was an amazing experience and I recommend to all the people, go to this place.

    Last year, the basketball team went to the beach to celebrate our first position in the competition. Our trainer invited us one day in the beach and was incredible. We did a race of canoeing and the winner of this race could decide to who person will bathe in the sea with his or her clothes.

    Last year in 3º of ESO we went to a camping in Aznalcollar after walking more than 30 kilometers. We were very tired when we arrived to the countryside, but this experience was very interesting for me, I've never been in a camping before. The only thing that I didn't like was thet there we don't have a shower, but it didn't matter. In the shelter tent I dind't sleep nothing. I recommend to all the people to go to a place like this.

    Francisco Librero Cid 4ºE

  3. Sergio García Medina 4ºC


    Family: My better moment with my family is when August comes that we go away to the beach and I spend it to myself very well we are in the habit of going to Malaga to Torremolinos, Benalmadena or Port Banús, they are my better moments because they are days of easings and to enjoy. Though this year surely does not go me it will be able only in my people in the fair that I have never gone and want to enjoy it also.

    FRIENDS:My better moment with my friends was the day that confirms to me, it was one of the best days because on having gone out of the church on having confirmed to us to celebrate it they did a holiday and one spends it very well since they were all of my age with high music, you shine.. But the bad thing that on having come to house they me scolded because there the whole people were drinking alchol and offered me and I drank.

    SCHOOL:And my better moment with the college is the day that we were to Granada that so only we went to spend the day and to remain there to sleeping and after eating us ibamos already for the people, one spends it so well because the same day in the night I and my friends do not sleep and went down to others room silently in order that the teachers were not scolding us and I would can back to repeating this though in 2 weeks I go to Asturias.

  4. Family: The best memory I have with my family is when it was for 7 days we were in Switzerland, I had a good time because, I had never left Andalucia, and we visited important monuments, the funniest part was when we went to a park of atraciones and my
    brother was lost, seriously in that trip I have unforgettable memories. And I ate a lot of chocolatate :)

    Friend: The best memory was in the summer of 2016, I went with 10 friends to polononia, I think it's the best thing I could do in my life that trip, I was there a 15 where I had to speak in English to use the zlotich (the Polish currency ) and all that with my friends then I feel lucky to have been there.

    School: The best trip I did with the school was last year, when with technology we went to Granada to the science museum it was really great, I had a great time, I slept with my friends in a room, and then at night we went to see Granada, and the next day I saw the Alhambra, it was very beautiful. What I did not like was that it was only 2 days and I would have liked it to have been more.


  5. Family: My best time with my family was one day that my parents told me we were going on holidays and I was happy. We went to Cadiz and visited the city, we were also on the beach and I spent a week.

    Friends: My best moment with my friends was when we all went together to Magic Island and we were there all day riding in the attractions and enjoying the amusement park.

    School: And my best moment in a school trip was when we went to visit the cinema with Michael, we had a really good time and we saw a movie in English. On the way back we almost lost the bus and arrived home late but had a good time.
    Juan Cruz López Herrera. 4ºC

  6. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  7. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  8. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.



    It was a weekend when they were going to finish classes, when we went on a trip to Granada, it was amazing, what I liked the most was the night we were in the hostel because we did not sleep until 6 in the morning, Making the teachers profuse and telling stories of fear and love was an unforgettable experience.


    It was in a summer a long time ago and my parents told me and my sister that if we wanted to go on a trip to some places in Spain, clearly we told her that yes, that year was the world cup of Spain, so what a coincidence that in each place that we went through Spain was when Spain played, so it happened that when we reached our final destination of the trip to Spain was playing the final of the World Cup and won for me was an amazing trip because I had a great time besides having been accompanied by my great passion, which is football.


    It was a summer that we said to go to Magical Island five friends and we were having a great time when one of them told us that if we were going to the attraction of free fall and one began to say no because it was very scary but the rest we convinced him to throw himself, until he was shot, when we all got off the attraction dead laughs, we realized that the one who did not like the attraction had pissed on, then we all laughed, it was a very fun day but for the kid who pissed on him was not so fun.

  10. Family:
    My best moment with my family was when I went to Asturias in car to visit my cousins that they live in Oviedo. We visit the city and we do a lot of differenrt things like:
    -Go to Covadonga
    -Climb a mountain
    -Practice some sports
    -Go to Gijón
    -Go to the beach
    We spent a week very good and them we saw Segobia, Ávila and Toledo

    Friends: My best moment with my friends was a day that we go to a competition of basketball to Se ville and we won the competition and we carry with us a thropie.

    School: My best moment was when we went to Aznalcollar to a camping about 2 days. I slept in a tent with Navarro ,Jorge and Jose David and I cant slept with Jose Davis becouse he snore all the night.

  11. Ángela García González, 4ºE


    A day out that I´ll remember always with my family is when we went to Caceres, we went here because my father and me love historical places, and Caceres has a beautiful old town, my mother complained about that because she likes modern cities, but we had a very good time, we visited lots of churches and castles. But at night, my mother said that we had to go to a modern restaurant in the other part of Caceres, so we went and the meal was excellent. We had a very good time together!


    With friends, where ever you go, it´s a good place because you´ll have fun, but a day out that I like a lot, is when we went to the beach all together last year. We did lots of things, we ride on water mats, we did surf, and also we did sport, some of my friends complained about that, but two of them and I went to run at the beach. At 9 o´clock we ate in a gastrobar and we asked here about the food, the dinner was very good.


    The most important memory that I have is when I went to France with my classmates of the high school, we stayed here for a week, but a day that I won´t forget is when we went to Los Alpes, and we did ski, it was amazing! I´d never seen that way of snowing before! Some of my classmates said that they will go back in the future. It was an experience that I´ll remember for the rest of my life.

    It was a day at dawn, we were in the car on the way to Madrid. My parents had thought that coming and going in Madrid one day was a good idea, so it's seven in the morning and we're in the car making our way there. When we arrived we met our friends almost all our lives and as we could not waste time we decided to go to a very popular shopping center called Sanadú. In the shopping center there were all types of shops until we found a snow track in which we entered without hesitation. As skiing was very dangerous we decided to take a kind of giant donuts with which we had to climb up a hill to get to the top and there we threw ourselves seriously was one of my best days. When we finished we decided to go to lunch and went to a very peculiar restaurant. When we arrived and saw the entire line the children left it and went to see the mall. We found a machine room for children and we ran to our parents and asked for money. We spent almost half an hour hallucinating with the machines. When we finished eating we decided to go for a walk around Madrid. When we finished around five in the afternoon, we decided to go home. It was a memorable day that I spent with my friends and my family.

    One of the best days I have lived with my friends was when we traveled to Almeria together. It was a very nice trip and we enjoyed the beautiful views it gave us. We saw different beaches, to eat we stop at a bar near the beach and we ate appreciating the views. Luna told me that she would go back to that place since she liked it too much. Though he complained that it was very hot. It was normal since it was summer but she still didn't like it. In the afternoon we saw some museums and even art galleries. Maria Dolores said that in one of her she saw one of the best paintings she had seen in her life.

    One of the best days I have had with the high school excursions was when we went camping to Aznalcollar, it was a little hard excursion since we walked 30 km. When we got tired and we all complained. There were no showers and that was the worst since after a whole day doing activities you want to shower but we couldn't. It was an amazing day and I really loved this experience but we can only go once and that is the worst of all. When we had dinner the monitors told us we had to sleep but I couldn't since we were all night doing nonsense.

    Rocio Fraile de la Carrera 4º C


    A very beautiful day with my family is when I was 5 years my father say that my brother my fathers and I go to the football in the Benito Villamarin I was very happy because it was the first time that I yo to see the Real Betis so close, my father bought me a scarf and I remember this day very good because I had a great time.


    I like very much the moments with my friends, one moment that I remember very well is when went with Matalascañas one day, I went with my friend Angela for pass the day and there we find with angelica (because she stay there most of summer) and we pass a very good day together. It was a very beautiful remember for my.


    My best moment with the school is when I went the last year to Extremadura, we pass there all the day and saw very beautiful places there. I spent a very good day with my friends and my classmates, it's a beautifull remember with them.

    Celia López Muñoz 4ºE

    One of the best days I've spent with family was when we went out to Sierra Nevada. It was an amazing day because we went to a skiing area and although we did not ski if we threw a lot of snow. I remember that my sister and I pulled a super high mountain with a sled and we fell, but still we continued to mount. My parents and I spent the whole day playing with the snow. Also we did a lot of pictures. I remember we lost a sled, but it was more cool since we were three a single sled. At the end of the day ends with many pains but it was worth it.

    The best day I spent outside with my friends was when we went to Isla Magica. We had a great time, we rode in all the attractions, I remember in one of them I almost vomited. But then I recomputed. We rode in one of the most scary attractions. It consisted of a stick surrounded by seats, you rode and the seats went up and down, I remember seeing many people who were not able to climb but my friends and I repeated about five times. We ate a lot, because there were places everywhere. And when we finished the day we ended up very tired.

    The best excursion I've attended was in elementary school. In it we went to Inés Rosales, a candy factory. There we saw how the candies were made, as they were packaged and in the end they let us make some cookies for our parents. What I liked most about this trip was that at the end they let us get in some cold rooms and they left us locked up for 5 minutes and we got very happy about it.

    Ángela fraile de la carrera 4º C



    This wonderful day was in Switzerland. This was the first time that I skiied and it was amazing. My french partner was a bit silly but it was a good person. He helped me doing it, and the french teacher Florine asked me if I did it before. For me, was a bit difficult,specially with the long and steep slopes. My first slope was funny but in the second one I fall down and I can't get up because of the long skiis. It was a wonderful experience and I'd like to repeat it as soon as possible.


    It was a travel with my whole family. Madrid is beautiful and it was the third time that I went but each time I go, I find Madrid a bit different and special. I love it. The third day, we went to the Lyon King's musical. It was the most beautiful thing that I have seen in my life. My mum said me that she was amazed with that. My parent didn't understand it very well so when we finished, he asked me some questions. I recommend people to see it because it was a wonderful musical and you won't forget it never.


    This summer we went to Magic Island. I went when I was a child, so I missed a lot magic Island. Fortunately, I went last summer and it was beautiful. I felt afraid in some games, but I left the park having ridden in all the attractions. I was really happy because I had managed to overcome my fears. I hope to repeat this great day in this summer.


    I think that one of the best days that I have passed with my family was when we went to Madrid. It happened when I was eleven years old. Everything started when my father said that he wanted to travel to anywhere with us. So we decided to go to Madrid, because it was a place that we have never visited. There we saw a lot of importants monuments and places like churchs, museums,parks...For me it was amaizing to see all this things, and my brother added that he wanted to live there forever.

    The best day that I have lived with my friends was when we had dinner in a fast food restaurant. We decided to meet there because we were hungry and we wanted to have a good time together. When we were there, we asked the waiter that we wanted pizza and while he was preparing it, we did not stop making jokes and laughing. In my opinion, it was one of the best days with them, and I would like to repeat it more times.

    Last year, I travelled with my classmates to Granada. It was the best experience that I have had with them. It was an activity organized by the high school. There, we visited many things like the Alhambra, the science museum...We had lunch and dinner at the burger king and we spent the night in a small hotel. The following day we left the hotel and we arrived home. I liked this travel very much because I was with them and also I learned a lot of new things that I didn't know about this fantastic place.

    Angélica Díaz López 4ºC

  17. I'm going to tell you the story of a weekend in which I had a great time, the day of several days without school, and my parents told us that we go to Granada to see the snow, we stayed in a hostel in the center of Granada and visited the Alhambra, the Albaicín neighborhood, Sierra Nevada, the science park and many impressive and fun places, I told my mother that it was one of the places I had most fun and learned.

    the second story is of an excursion that I did with my school of salteras, and fiue the excursion of end of course, we went to some camps called andevalo adventures, and they were impressive of great, the rooms were very nice, with bathroom and bunk beds; We did many activities such as climbing, canoeing, archery etc ... I had a great time, the last day the monitors told us to pick up the rooms that was a contest called the piglet and we were the winners, and the last night I agreement that they told us that we had behaved badly and there were no talks or anything, but when we went to bed, we heard a background music, very loud, we went out and we had prepared a big party with dj and food, costumes etc.

    the last story is not a story that has happened, but it happens and will continue to happen, they are each and every one of the days that the Benito Villamarin stadium of Real Betis Balompie, each and every one of the party that performs, in which I can not go to all because I do not have my own card, but when I see that my friend tells me you are coming today? I do not think twice and my fingers write that yes, of course before I ask my mother but she says yes, always, so I do not even ask her anymore, and that is to step on the stadium I see it a privilege, This is not a story that has happened, but it will pass until I die.
    marta rodriguez 4ºC


    For me, every moment that I spend with my family is special. One of the moments that I always remember is the wedding of one of my cousin. We were preparing everything for months, like the outfit, the hairstyle, to accompanined to choose the dress of the wedding man, some preparations...
    When the day arrived we lived it as special it was all the family together. We ate, danced and enjoyed a lot. Hurrah!!


    Last year, I went to Seville in Easter, concretely on Monday, and as usual, I went to see San Gonzalo`s brotherhood. I really love this week in Seville and my brotherhood so I will remember this day because my friend Celia was the only that acommpainyng me all day and I appreciated what she did it for me.


    One of the day I like most with my classmates was the trip that we made to Extremadura . We visited two villages, Burgillos del Cerro and Zafra. There, we visited museums, the town hall, squares, etc. We had a good day all together meeting a new province and the little village of our religion teacher.

    Ángela González Méndez 4E.

  19. FAMILY:
    My best time with my family was in the summer of 2015, that summer I went to Paris with my friends, my sister, my uncles, my cousins and my grandparents in Disneyland. We spent 5 days in the park, my cousins and I stayed in the morning until noon in the park to ride in all the attractions, one of those days we went to visit the Arc de Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower.

    My best time with my friends has been when we went to Isla Mágica, we were planning it from the beginning of summer vacations. All the friends that we got together since we were little and we got on all the attractions.

    My best time with the school was in an excursion that went with my friends, where we went to Seville. We went to see a theater, and the tour lasted all day, so, in our free time, we went to eat at McDonald's and we were visiting different parts of the city center.

    Óscar Gómez Bascón 4ºC

    This wonderful day was in Extremadura, i went to a Extremadura by bus with the religion class. I sit in the bus with Maria, when we arrived at Extremadura we went to a castle, Maria said that it is very beautiful and i added that the castle was very big. We also ate an ice-cream.

    It was in a travel with my whole family. We went to Lisbon. My sister and me ate many Belen’s cakes and we visited the city that was incredible .The hotel had a Jacuzzi and a games room, every night my family and me a played billiards, I recommend people to see this city because is wonderful.

    In this February my friends and I went to a carnival of Gines. We went by car. First we went to dinner at the McDonald’s. We were very well; we danced and laughed very much. we also meet many new friends. Was a great night.

    Olalla Munerol Trescastro 4ºE

  21. Scape Room:
    The 8th July, 2017 my friends Rocío, Sol, Carmen and I went to a scape room in Seville.
    Before going, when we were crossing a bridge, two norways stoped us.
    -Excuse, Could you tell us where is the swimming pool?- He asked.
    -The swimming pool?- Carmen said.
    -But there's not any swimming pool here. Maybe you're talking about the aquarium
    Carmen explain him how to go the aquarium and then, without sense he looked at Carmen and said: Puta.
    At first we were confused, did he really said that? And then, we started laughing because puta could means potato and pillow.
    After all, we went to the scape room and we enjoy it a lot. We weren't very good at fist, we didin't know what to do so we asked too many times to our supervisior for some clues.
    We discovered another secret room who was a laboratory and when we were there a very strong noise sounds. Sol runs away to the other room then, Carmen follow her while she was screaming loudly. Rocío and I didn´t know what to do so we went to the room where they were. Carmen and Sol used me as a shield but Rocío was brave enough to go and take the walkie talkie. The woman added:
    -It's ok girls. Girls calm. Girls the sound that you just heard was from the other scape room it's not yours.

    From my point of view, scape rooms are amazing and a great time to spent with your friends or family. Maybe it's a little bit expensive but, it woths it.

    If there's a place where I wanna go again is Lanzarote. I went in 2016 and it's such a wonderful place. I'm not that kind of girl who enjoys pass time at the beach because my skin is too pale but I fall in love with this island. The water was light blue and you can see clearly the colorful fishes.
    It has a volcanyc landscape which you can see in Climanfaya.
    There are lots of monuments made by Cesar Manrique an Spanish artist.
    One of my favorite places is Cueva de los verdes where you go through a volcanic tube.

    When I was 12 years old my classmates and I went to a final year trip and I had such a great time.
    We made lots of kinds of activities but for me there wasn´t nothing better than spent time with my friends.
    There I saw Raquel again because all schools near Olivares made that trip to met each other.
    I knew her long time ago but we lost contact so, when I saw her there I was so happy. It happened when we where walking to see some lakes, she stopped and sit down because she was tired and we look each other and said: Wait, aren´t you...?
    That was such a surprising trip!

    Lucía Salgado Iglesias 4ºE

  22. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    A DAY WITH MY FAMILY: I really have so many good days in my memory with the people I love that I could not choose the best one so I'm going to tell you a very nice one, which was the day of my mother's wedding. When she and the that was her boyfriend they told me they were going to get married I already imagined it, but I was very excited. It was not until a few weeks after the news that joking with Juan (the boyfriend, whom I love madly) because I love singing I told him that I would sing for them if the DJ failed, and they took it so seriously and He made such an illusion that they took my comment very seriously. The day was one of the most beautiful days of my life, full of family, happiness, music, different cultures, and above all, much joy that is what I remember that great day.

    A DAY WITH MY FRIENDS: it happens to me with everything, I can not choose a day because being with my friends means for me to be well and happy, so I'm going to talk about one of the most recent, which was last Saturday 24th. It was a very complete day for me as I spent the day with my boyfriend and three of my best friends in the center taking pictures, going to recommended places, and spending the day together. When we finished it was already late so I went to dinner and to see a movie with the boy I went out with, so for me it was a perfect day because we had a great time and we took very cool photos.

    A DAY WITH MY COMPANIONS: a very entertaining day for me was when we made the camping in 3rd with the institute, I liked it a lot even though at the end of the days I was really tired. We stayed to sleep in the countryside in tents and we went from one tent to another all night with friends, it was an unforgettable experience.



    Last summer I went to "LA SIERRA DE GREDOS" with my family. It was a wonderful weekend with them because I had a great time in the countryside. We did a lots of things but I loved one day, that we walked for a long time to arrive to a very tall mountain and when you arrived at the top of the mountain you can see a beautiful landscape. I laughted this day very much, because my little childrens were very tired and they were always compalined that.

    Last year I went to a theater with my classmates to see a representation of a book that called “VEINTE MIL LEGUAS DE VIAJE SUBMARINO”, It was a good experience I I had not gone to any. One of my classmates added that he liked very much the representation and I told him that I also liked.

    Two years ago, in summer I went to “Aquopolis” with my friends. We had a good day, I liked very much this day, we rode in all the attractions that there were in the park. We saw an attraction that when you see it gives you a little fear to ride and one of my friends said that she was not going to ride in that attraction, but we conviced her and when she had already gotten off the attraction she added that she wanted to repeat .


  25. School: The third year of high school , we went to Bourg-en-bresse to do an exchange. One day we visited Lyon and we visited all the important monuments of the city. If was an amazing day because after the visit of the cathedral of Lyon, we got free time to do what we want so we decided to go to Macdonals and then we did sightseeing. That day was so important we met three beautiful girl, we got their number and we had an awful day.

    Friends: It was a day that we went in magic island and we spend all day in the park. It was a sunny summer day. I went to magic island with my tennis friends , then we went to a new restaurant called Los Pacos and finally we went to the Guadalquivir river to see a show of firecrackers .

    Family: Every summer we go to a new country to visit cities, monuments... Two years ago we went to england and It was the best summer of my life just because I went to England. England, It's the most beautiful european city . Saw The big ben , the london eye or to take a boat to cross the Thames river were incredible experiences.

  26. Exchange.
    Ok, I gonna talk you about one of my favourite travels that I have done in my life. It was to France, we went to Marseille and we stayed each one in our correspondant's house. We had been there for one week. We visited important cities like Cannes or Marseille. I have a beautiful remember of all this. My friends told me that I should take photos, but later I discovered that I hadn't took any photos hahaha, when I mentioned that to them they were happy in anyway, because the best thing we can have is the memory.

    Family day
    I'm going to talk about my travel to Nerja, Malaga. I have gone this summer with my family. We stayed there for 6 days. Mainly we where at the beach, in restaurants and in the hotel. We spend some happy and relaxing days. One day my mother suggested doing trecking but me and my sisters denied it because we didn't like it. I really loved that travel and it was too special for me. The last day of this travel we went to a famous SPA to fnish our travel more relaxed than never.

    Classmates day
    I'm going to explain one of the favourite days that I lived last year with my class. We went camping to Gerena and we did trekking too, when we arrived to the place that we had to camp we were very tired, it was at evenning and there weren't any lights there, everything was dark, so we camp next to a cow poop, but nobody saw that. When I left from the tent I didn't see the poop and I step it, I started to shout and everybody were laughing, when Olalla came to see what was happening there, she step the poop too. Olalla commented that we were the luckiest ones.



    Last year, in summer I went to Magic Island with 3 friends as we had discounts on tickets. We stayed for 8 hours or more without stopping to ride the attractions. We ride about 3 times or more in the most "dangerous" attractions such as the Jaguar, which is a roller coaster. We had lunch there, we had a snack and in the afternoon we went to Olivares since at that time it was the Feria. We stayed there all night.


    When I was younger my uncle was sick and after a while he died. It was summer time and it was also my birthday. It was a difficult time and that is why we saved a lot so that we went to the beach for several days to clear up. They were the best holidays of my life. Every night we went to bed late playing table games and in the morning we went to the beach to bathe. The last day we celebrated my birthday and it is the best I have celebrated so far.


    The last year of primary school was very special since my whole class made a theater to raise money and give it to Caritas. We got more than 1000 euros. To celebrate, we went on a trip to the cinema and it was incredible since we went to other cinemas to see different movies. We saw like 3 or 4 different movies. Finally we went to eat at Burguer King. When we returned we stayed at a friend's house and played Play until nightfall.


  28. Eva García López 4ºC


    A beautiful day with my family was in the beach, about three years ago. At the beginning of this day of summer, my sisters and I don’t knew that we were going to the beach. Our parents surprised us with that new and we prepare fast to come before to the beach. I have two dogs, and it was the first time that they were coming with us to the beach, so I was so excited. When we come, there were many people and my big sister complained of that, but it didn’t really matters because hours after there were few persons. I said that we could walk along the shore and my sisters and I did that. I love do that, and I believe that this moment was my favourite of the day. Then, when we finished the walk and we were back, my little sister saw a person who was selling kites and she wanted one. Saw her with her kite was very funny because it was a windy day. After all, we saw seagulls flying while we were leaving. Nowdays, I still remember this day with love.


    The best day with my friends was a normal winter day that we were to Seville to buy a present to another friend for her birthday. Her birthday was nearby so we have to bought the present this day. When we went out of the bus we were walking for Seville, coming in shops… but we had not found the gift for Mery yet. We decide the shop we had to go to find for what we were looking, and in this moment it started raining. My friend told me that she didn’t have got an umbrella but I said her that I had one. We were walking a little bit of time until the umbrella got broken. We ran to the shop and finally we came, we found the perfect gift and later it didn’t return to rain and we spend the rest of this day in Seville. I complained too much because we got wet and she agreed. Although it was one day very crazy, I laughed very much.


    Last year my classmates and I went to Granada, to see the Alhambra and to visit the park of the science of there. We remain one night, the place where we remain was very nice. The first day, we visit the park of the science and I loved it, it was very interesting and I would go there again. My favourite part of this moment of the trip was the planetarium. The second and last day of the trip we had to walk very much to visit the Alhambra but it didn’t really matter because it was beautiful. I didn't complain for anything. My friends asked me if i would like repeat the trip and I answered that yes, they added that them too. I liked so much this place and the trip was very nice.

  29. FAMILY:
    My mother decided that this year wewould vacation at the beach. We loved the experience. we spent  in the beach 15 great days. One day we visited a monument that is near the village, and it's fantastic. The monument was a cavern, that in the roof had stalactite. I would repeat the experience, because it was very interesting.

    With my friends, last Saturday I visited, the exhibition of Van Gogh in Seville,it was fantastic. The exhibition show the story of his life, his most famous paintings and painting techniques. Later we try to draw some landscape.If you like painting, I think that you should visit the exhibition.

    The best trip that I did with my classmates was when travelled to Granada with technology's teacher. We visited the Parque de las ciencias museum and the Alhambra. We enjoyed so much.


  30. SCHOOL:
    It was when i was in third of E.S.O. The trip was to France. I was an exchange programe. For me the best day was the fourth one. We visited their school and after that we went to the laser game. At the school, we went to some classes like art class and math class. The classes were very boring. The best thing of the day was the laser game. It was a game like paintball bus with guns with laser in stead of balls of paint. We spent a very good time, but we sweat a lot. When i arrived home i went to bed very quickly because i was very tired.

    It was in september. I went to Seville with some friends to see the coronation of the Virgin of San Gonzalo´s brotherhood. We arrived at Seville at one o´clock, and we went to Mc´Donals to eat before seeing the Virgin. So when we finish we went to Triana to see it living the church. It was very exciting. Also the music band was very good. After that we went to the Triana´s bridge to wait to see it again. When we saw is at the Triana´s bridge we went to Plaza de Armas to take the bus to Olivares. It was a very good day with my friends and we do what we like.

    We went to London, in 2014. When we arrived, the first thing that we did was to go to the hotel to left the suitcases. After that we went to eat to a pub, a typical bar in England. After that, we went to the Big Ben, the most important monument in London. Then we went to the Emirates Stadium, (Arsenal club). It was very big. We visited the VIP zone. It was very good. They gave us food and the sits were very comfortable. When we finished the visit, my mother decided to go to the Buckingham palace to see the change of guards. It was very good but i complained to my mum that we waited a lot. But now i think that it was very good

  31. FAMILY

    Last year my family and I were in Milan and Venice. It was a magnificent experience. For me, Venice is a very original and different place, we strolled through the streets of Venice in gondolas, the man who was driving the gondola said we had to be careful not to turn the gondola over. It is a very charming place where you disconnect from everything and enjoy a lot. The first days we were in Venice and then we visited Milan. Milan is also a very nice and very luxurious place to visit, there are usually fashion weeks and it is very likely to meet a celebrity, I met Agatha Ruiz de la Prada and it was amazing. I´d recommend this trvel to anybody!


    With my friends I always have some good times but for me the best was when we all went to a colorful race in Seville sponsored by desigual. During the course of the race there are machines that add color and everyone is full of colors. After the race there was a music festival and for me it was the best, they played modern music and there were millions of people. The dj said that working with people from Seville is the best. This day we had a great time all the friends together and we enjoyed a lot. If someone would like to go, it is every year at the Olympic Stadium in Seville in May.


    Another of the best trips I've made has been to Lyon with my classmates. This trip was an exchange with boys and girls from Lyon, Lyon is a beautiful place and the village where my exchange partner lived was very welcoming, it was called Bourg en Bresse. On this trip all my colleagues and I enjoyed a lot doing different activities such as skiing. We were always together and very close and that's why we enjoyed it so much. Doing an exchange is very recommended because you learn a lot of another language and make new friends. They then came to Spain and it was also a very nice experience. For me, this experience will never be forgotten. So if anybody have the opportunity to do an exchange, come on!


  32. ilyess chobani 4C



    We went to Paris, it was a long trip, but the good thing is we went on a plane and we got pretty fast the first thing we did was go to the hotel that we rented earlier and we rest.The next day we visited the Eiffel Tower and many more monuments in Paris


    My friends and I planned a day to go camping we went to a really cool forest because they had watercapped many trees and so many animals but the bad thing about the camping is that at night it was pretty cold and we had to call our parents to pick us up.


    The Institute organizes a camping trip was going great, but some friends didn't let him because he had some allergy some plant in the field where we were going, but eventually they were because their parents went with them to take care of them and we had a great time.There were many archery games to swim on the tyroline boat and many more things were very interesting

  33. A great day with my family:
    It was when I was twelve. My parents and I went to Madrid for the first concert I have gone. We went to the R5 concert ( it's a pop-rock group) and I was very excited because never have I seen a group on a live concert. Then we went to the disc sign and I saw Riker (the bass player). He greeting me and I was in shock. When we arrived to Seville we were very satisfied with this experience.

    A great day with my friends:
    It was in summer and my friends and I went to “Isla mágica”. We went at morning and we ride in all the attractions, we drank hailed and in the evening our parents picked up us and we go home.

    A great day with the school:
    It was the last year when we went to the Quintero theatre and when the theatre ended we went to some shops for buy clothes. When we finished our purchases we went to home in bus.

    Luna Espinosa Sampedro 4°C


    Last year i went with my friends to a camping
    We walked 21 km to arrived in the place that we were to sleep but when we were there, my friend Isabel said that she had forgotten the tent! Goodness that it was in summer and we could sleep outdoor. The next morning we do a lot of activities but my favourite was canoes, we laughed a lot and we had a great time

    Last June i went Granada with my classmates. We visited the sciences museum , we learn a lot and saw a show of stars, it was incredible! In the afternoon we went to visited the Alhambra. To get there we had to climb a huge slope but the views of Granada from there were fantastic.

    This weekend I went to París with my parents and my brother. We arrived there at 9 oclook in the morning, we had a typical breakfast and we started the visit day. First pf all we visited the famous Eifel Tower because our hotel was very near of it. Then we wanted to go to arch of Triumph but we were lost! So i asked a French man where the subway station was and he I asked a French man where the subway station was. After visited it we go to a near famous museum of history. I liked it so much. It was a great day!

    Irene Grcia Dominguez 4E

  35. Friends
    Last Saturday I went to Seville with my grilfriend to stay there with our friends Raquel and Yam. One hour later our friend Carla came in bus as well, in the afternoon We were taking photos... We enjoyed it too much and We were laughing all day. We went to a chinese shop and We bought some food. After that, Raquel took us to a restaurant and there We took more photos. It was a normal day but for me be with my friends is always especial.

    This Christmas I was in Galicia, specifically in Portonovo, a beautiful town in Pontevedra, with my parents to visit my family. The first day there was too funny bacause all my counsins and me took photos imitating those of when we were younger.
    The best thing of been there was my grandma's food...it was delicious, meat, fish, supo, whatever she cooked.
    My family like playing games such us card games or bingo in Christmas, so We played them...I started playing cards with 3 euros and when We finished playing I won 8 euros.
    The day before We played bingo and, I won 14 euros more, all my family hated me at this moment, it was very funny.
    Some days I walked out with my grandma and myb mom near the coast.
    There is a restaurant in a town near Portonovo called Lores and We always go there when We have not idea what to dine, there is the best sandwich I ever eat in my life.
    I always have a good time with my Galician family.


    In the first term We went to an excursion with all the 4th groups. This excursion consisted of trekking. We stayed there all morning. I enjoyed it because I was with my best friends there and We were talking about a lot of things and laughing as well.

    In conlusion, the best moments that someone can remember are those in which you have laughed and have been happy with the people you love.

    Airam Rodriguez Telmo 4ºE

  36. With my family:
    One of the best moments that I have spent with my family has been the trip to Galicia and Madrid. I spent 4 days visiting all the monuments of Galicia and also went to the fair of the octopus. Then I spent 3 days in Madrid there visiting several monuments and one of that day I was in one of the largest amusement parks in Europe.

    With my friend :
    One of the places that I like to go is the Rocio. I love the Rocio, for me it is a beautiful place and there is a lot of tranquility. One of the best moments that is spent in the Rocio was with my friend José Carlos. We spent the whole weekend riding on horse. It is a beautiful place and has a very large and beautiful church.

    With my school:
    The best time I've had with my school was the Asturias trip. I had a great time. We did different activities: climbing activities, swimming, archery.... I loved the trip.

    Álvaro Navarro Herrera 4ºC

  37. A day out with family

    A day out I will remember always with my family is when we went to Madrid, we pass an unforgettable week. My prefer day is when we went to the santiago bernabeu stadium because it looks like smaller than in the TV, but it is an amazing place anyway. I will repeat this experience son.

    A day out with school

    When I was fourteen years old, I went with my classmates to France on an Exchange that we did with the teenagers of Lyon. At first we were shy with our correspondents, but later we got confidence with them. A day I rememberfrom there was when we went skiing all of us. We pass a amazing day everybody skiing on a ski course. Sincerely is a day out that I would repeat some day in a future.

    A day out with friends

    A day out I remember with friends is when w ego to Seville to see Semana Santa. We have a great day there and we was all day seeing Semana Santa. At night we had dinner in a restaurant there. It was an amazing day also but we were very tired when we arrive at home.

    Adrián Herrera Sanz 4ºC

  38. School :

    My best moment at school was When my grandmother went to school because She had had twins and She wanted to expain us her experience.One of the twins was my mother and the teacher was very surprised when She listed to the story.My classmates and I gave my granny a bunch of flowers.She loves roses so She liked our present.I will never forget that day!


    I have an aunt who is really important for me. In 2008 ,We faced up to a very difficult situation ; She had a cancer and It was a hard time. When She got over the illnes,She had a party. We went to Seville and had dinner at a beatiful restaurant with our family .It was fantastic! There were 60 people and We had a good time.

    Two years later , she had cancer again.It was disappointing and difficult but She is really strong and She decided to fight. She is happy and healthy now and She enjoy everything.

    With my friends in Acuopolis:

    I have gone to acuatic park last summer with my friends. In the park There attractions for have fun .It was a day very funny special for me. I met a new people because I am a sociable person.I like water and swin.that´s fantastic but this day I have a big problem I had a swollen eye and I can ´t see good , I was very preocupated .My mother sayed me that I shouldn ´t go to Acuopolis park but I really wanted to go I put on some cream in eye and I can see !


  39. Day out with family: A funny day in Matalascañas
    Day out with friends: Easter's Monday in Seville
    Day out with classmates: Camping in Aznalcóllar

    A funny day in Matalascañas

    Last summer we decided to go a day to the beach. We discuss which beach was the best to go only for a day and we decided that Matalascañas was the perfect one. We got up at 7 o'clock to arrive to the beach early in the morning. We arrived to the beach and there was nobody in the beach, only people who were running. We spent all the day in Matalascañas doing different things. One of the things we did was go out for a walk, my brother told us that he was tired and we took a bath. After that day, my father had his skin red, he had spent so much time sunbathing. It was a great day.

    Easter's Monday in Seville

    Last Easter, I asked my friends to go to Seville to enjoy one of the more beatiful days of Easter. Everybody agreed so finally we went by bus. I enjoyed so much this day because I love Easter and I was with my friends... There is something better? We snacked some cakes that we bought in a Carrefour Express. At the end of the day, we almost lost the bus.. We ran so quickly and we arrived in time.

    Camping in Aznalcóllar

    Last year, we went camping to Aznalcóllar in a Physical Education trip. To arrive to the place where we had to camp, we had to walk 30 kilometres previously. Some people complained about the temperature in the road but the teachers couldn't do nothing to solve this problem, so we had to drink much water. In the middle of the road whe founf a sort of river in which we took a bath to fresh up

    Óscar Muñoz Torres 4E

  40. With my family:
    One of the best days I have spent with my family was one day we went to Sierra Nevada, Granada.
    We had a great time playing with the snow. We left one day in the afternoon and we stayed at a hotel. The next day, we went to Sierra Nevada, we ski and played with the snow. We also ride a cable car. The cable car was amazing but, my sister and my mother had a hard time getting up because it was very scary. It was very high and it went up a lot but when you were up you are spectacular. There it was very cold and there were people who looked like balls of all the clothes they were wearing.
    When we got off the cable car we went skiing and it was amazing, my sister fell down several times but she did not hurt herself. It was unforgettable for me.

    With my class:
    Last year we went to Granada for two days. I had a good time. When we arrived in Granada we went to the science park and visited many things there. They did not teach many experiments, like one we did with water and a thermometer. They also taught us some animals like fish of many types, sharks, butterflies of many types, kangaroos, toucans, koalas, frogs, etc.
    We also entered a site that was like a ship in which there were many robots and many inventions such as machines for milking cows, a machine that made the same that you did, robots that took you where you asked. And finally we went to a planetarium and they gave us a very nice performance. We ate there and then we took the bus to the center of Granada.
    Once there they took us to dinner at the McDonalds and left us alone for a short period of time to do what we wanted.
    Then we went to the rooms of our hostel and we fell asleep. The next day we had breakfast there and then we went to see a monument, then we had lunch and finally we took the bus to olive groves. For me it was an unforgettable trip.

    With my friends:
    The best time I've had with my friends has been one day we went to a confirmation party. That day my friends had confirmed and at night we went to a party, it was amazing and we had a great time.
    We ate in a restaurant with all my friends and then we had a party on a plot, which came a lot of people, especially well-known people and friends. I will never forget that day because I had a great time and my friends too. I hope to repeat soon.

    Mercedes De La Rosa Fernández. 4ºE.

    Last year, some of the students from French class went on an exchange program to Bourg-en-Bresse, a city near the Alphes, on February. I stayed in Lea's house, a fourteen-year-old girl who also liked to read and watched anime like me. The fifth day, Lea asked me if I wanted to go out with her to a place in the countryside close to her house where there were the ruins of an old castle. When we arrived, I told her that I was jealous about her city's views, it was so beautiful! We were standing next to the castle on a hill and we could see all the different trees and a few forest animals below us. Anyways, we had a great time and I really miss her now, even though we talk as frequently as possible.

    Last summer, my uncle Rafael invited my sister, my cousins and me to go to Islamágica. We had such a great time and we got on very single ride. That day, it was crowded and my uncle was afraid that we might get lost so he just told us he was our “tourist guide” and, if we couldn’t see each other he would just raise his hand with his shirt tied on it like a kind of flag and shout our surname (Villegas), which was quite useful since nobody else has that surname. Apart from those awkward moments when he started shouting, I enjoyed it a lot and so did the rest of the Villegas family youngsters.

    A few years ago, I decided to celebrate my birthday in the property my family owns on the outskirts of Olivares with some friends. It started early in the morning because we wanted to go running with my mother through the surrounding area before swimming at the pool since it was summer. Anyways, fifteen minutes later we started to get tired near a railway and my mom suggested getting some photos all together next to it with the flowers we found on the way. But we also wanted her to in her photo and that’s the first selfie I ever took with my mom and my friends.



    →Visit to Siam Park (Canary Islands)
    This theme park has been named the best in the world for four years. I visited it last year in summer during my trip to the Canary islands. I remembered it was amazing only seeing it outside, but when you entered there and see such a lot of huge attractions. I am not able to choose any of them because all were amazing, but it is true that the most famous is the enormous slide that has 28 metres of height and you can even take a speed of 80 kilometres per hour.

    A weekend in ‘El Rocio’
    To be honest, I really enjoyed that weekend and I would like to repeat it. I went with a friend of mine to ‘El Rocio’, and we carried my horses there. During all the weekend we were riding and enjoying the temperature (although at night temperatures dropped), and the most important thing is that we didn’t have any accidents because it can be a bit dangerous riding at night. There we met more friends and we were chatting ang eating with them. It was very funny!!

    Exchange (France)
    I can say without making a mistake that this experience had been the most significant experience for me in my life. Last year I went to Lyon with some friends to do an exchange and we stay in Lyon for a week. Been there, we went to do skiing, we visit the most interesting monuments and we went to the school of our French friends. It is true that when I arrive to France and I had to go with a person that I didn’t know alone, I thought that I had made a mistake but the second day, I started to enjoy the trip with my friends, and now, I recommend an exchange to all the teenagers who are thinking to do it.

    José Carlos Herrera 4ºC

  43. Family:
    My best moment with my family was when I went to Asturias in car to visit my cousins that they live in Oviedo. The that were bad during the journey becouse we go in the van 9 persons (my father ,my mother, and seven brothers) and we were stress becouse there too people in the van. Although we have very ood things during the journey like; tell jokes and good stories that we had when we were Little. We visit the city and we do a lot of differenrt things like:
    -Go to Covadonga
    -Climb a mountain
    -Practice some sports
    -Go to Gijón
    -Go to the beach
    We spent a week very good and them we saw Segobia, Ávila and Toledo

    My best moment with my friends was a day that we go to a competition of basketball to Seville and we play very good and we reached the final. The other that was classified were a very good time called C.B.Coria ,we play very good all the match and finally we won the competition going to Mc'donals with all my team

    My best moment was when we went to Aznalcollar to a camping about 2 days. I slept in a tent with Navarro ,Jorge and Jose David and I cant slept with Jose Davis becouse he snore all the night.

  44. Best Floating Water Mats
    The mats are designed to spread on water and support a number of individuals. The fantastic part about a floating water mat is it does not need to be inflated.
